4. Getting rolling ....

Post date: Jun 27, 2015 11:41:55 AM

Two days before we hit the road there was an article in the paper (front page) about Lola and our upcoming trip. It was well done and engendered quite a bit of communication from our friends in the area. Nothing like a positive public validation of your efforts.

While it did not help us pack .... it inspired us in the effort to get on the road.

Good news for the trip planning is that it is summer, so packing light is easier clothes wise. Bad news is that we have been having record temperatures in Spokane this year (sometimes topping 100° F) and Lola has no air conditioning (Lisa and Shaelyn had several long discussions about hair cuts/conditioning). Getting up/out early on the road will be a key element in the game plan.

Part of getting ready is also getting all of us in the car. This is an added challenge because Shaelyn has been on the east coast for the last few months (she has not seen Lola since the car went in to the body shop). She has been in Carlisle, staying at Lisa's mom's home, working (2 jobs) and helping out Lisa's sister Debbie transition their mom to senior living. Things got a bit tense with a missed plane, a night in the airport, and a delayed arrival. But 12 hours before our intended departure, we were all at the Funny Farm.

Then all we had to do was pack.