9.3 Days 8 & 9 at The Haimbaugh Round Barn, Indiana

Post date: Jul 5, 2015 11:10:29 AM

We spent 4th of July weekend in Rochester, Indiana joining our good friends from Spokane, sisters Patty Grandos and Sue Maggio, at the 101st Haimbaugh family reunion. The reunion is held each year at their family's historic Round Barn. We've heard about the Haimbaugh Round Barn for more than 20 years and couldn't pass up the opportunity to see it in person. Family (and a few assorted friends) came from all over the country to attend this annual event held on the family farm on the Tippecanoe River. The Round Barn, originally a dairy barn, has been lovingly cared for by generations of extended family and is the focal point of this annual gathering.

It didn't take long for us to learn that the focus of this year's reunion was also mosquitoes. OMG were there mosquitos! We hadn't arrived but a few minutes when we "assumed the position", i.e legs spread, arms outstretched rotating front to back to be thoroughly bug sprayed from head to toe. Spraying occurred on a regular basis throughout the two day visit. Most folks attending camped by the river. We stayed in a local hotel. We spent Friday night listening to and telling stories around one of the numerous campfires. Shaelyn spent much of her time holding and playing with Biscuit, the way too adorable 3 month old Welsh Corgi puppy, belonging to Patty and Sue's sister Elizabeth.

The highlight of the gathering was a huge potluck lunch served on Saturday afternoon. Before lunch was served, all reunion attendees formed an enormous circle in an open field and joined hands. One person started a "count off" with each person in succession shouting out their number. The count off was complete when the last person in the circle shouted out the number 94. The count off was followed by a blessing. Lunch was a potluck buffet. The buffet line was formed in order of age, with the oldest going first. Ron and I found ourselves near the front of the line (ha ha). No worries though, no one went hungry! Saturday ended with a terrific firework show at the Rochester airport, where we supplied yet another feast for the local mosquitos.

We are very grateful to everyone in this Haimbaugh family for being so gracious in allowing us to crash this wonderful event. We had a blast!