Day 3 - Carlisle 2016

Post date: Jul 18, 2016 11:48:42 AM

Sunday was our shortest day at the show. Once we had arrived in our new winner's spot, my father and I set off for some Chrysler Nationals apparel then some shade. I later heard that Catherine Bach (Daisy Duke - Dukes of Hazzard) was still at the show and sprinted (not just ran, sprinted) off to get my shorts from yesterday's beauty contest signed.

On another note, we also got a free meal out of the day. As it turned out, my mother knew Rodney, the guy in charge of the chicken and fries stand near the grandstand. Upon ordering a five piece chicken and a large fry, he recognized my mother and let me have them for free, "a prize for my winnings."

The parade moved a little slow for my taste, taking the heat into consideration, but I have to admit it was a little fun reving up my engine along with the other cars waiting at a standstill. Shortly after getting my second plaque of the day (the first being my official Celebrity Choice plaque, the second being one I purchased with a photo of me and my car) we set off for home.

Tonight we are in Chillicothe, Ohio where I will be sharing a bedroom with my father. I am in for a good night's sleep tonight. (Note the sarcasm that you can't in writing.)

~ LH

Dad's Post Script

Lisa, Shaelyn, and I got Lola over to the car show early and parked her in the award winners area. Parade took off from there about 1 PM - loops through vendor area and up to the grandstand for individual pictures. Lisa and Shaelyn drove Lola, while I snapped a 360 pic for Street View (see below)

Went straight from there to visit with Lisa's mom (Dot) before we all headed out on the road. Lisa by plane, Shaelyn and I by road with Lola.

Headed out on on 81 South ... down to 67 west through Maryland and West Virginia. Jumped on to historic route 50 heading west - crossing the border into Ohio at Parkersburg.

Great driving road. Lola (and us) seemed happy to be on the road again.

Pulled into Chillicothe for a well deserved rest.