9.4 - Day 10 - the Lincoln Highway

Post date: Jul 6, 2015 1:42:59 PM

Got a good start on the day, heading out across northeast Indiana and dropping down to catch the "old Lincoln Highway" across Ohio, not sure exactly where our final destination would be for the day. Just knew it would be closer to Pennsylvania and Carlisle.

The Lincoln Highway was the first transcontinental highway for automobiles across the United States of America. The idea originated in 1912. It has been credited to Carl G. Fisher, an Indiana resident and life time automotive enthusiast/entrepreneur. The route eventually was designated Route 30 - and actually runs within miles of Carlisle. Large portions of the route remain, but only as scenic byways, having been bypassed by the rebuilding of route 30 to accommodate todays heavy traffic.

In Ohio, this means we drove along a route that took us through towns that look like scenes/pictures out of old Saturday Evening Post or Life Magazine. Historic downtowns in various states of use/decline. All showing the negative effects of suburban

development, shopping mall development, and our modern preference for online

shopping. The route took us through many county "seats", and passed and impressive array of county court houses.

Lots of old farmsteads - most in decline - and a constant stream of barns.

Stopped in Van Wert, Indiana (pictured above), next to the courthouse at a classic local eatery - Balyeats Coffee Shop for a late breakfast.

Lola enjoyed the drive on the rural roads. Almost seemed like she was designed for the curves and rolling topography. As we approached Canton, Ohio, the rural scenes became less frequent, giving way to a more constant presence of the shopping strips we find in most urban areas. The ride remained engaging (aided by stops for ice cream) and we ended up crossing over into PA in the early evening. Stopping for dinner at a "farm" restaurant, before winding our way through Pittsburgh. Taking advantage of favorable Sunday traffic conditions so we we did not have to deal with a Monday morning rush hour.