I'm Melting!

Post date: Jul 21, 2016 1:52:29 PM


We just left the Oz Museum! We departed around 9 in the morning from our hotel and made a direct beeline for the museum. Inside was hundreds of pieces of Oz memorabilia ranging from first edition Oz books to merchandise from Disney's movie Oz the Great and Powerful. After buying admittedly way too much stuff from the gift shop we took a short walk to the park where my father used his new Ricoh.

The next day (today)

It was ridiculously hot. It was unbelievably hot. How are we still alive today? We only made one more stop that day and that was to the Walter Chrysler Boyhood Home. We didn't to go in, but we took a picture there.

(Note that in this picture, I've been sitting in a car with no conditioning while it's over 100 degrees for about an hour and a half and the exactly position I'm standing in puts the sun directly in my eyes. At this very moment, I want to brutally murder my father.)

~ LH

Dad's Post Script

Had a great time at the Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas. A bit of a side trip (especially on a day that temperatures soared over 100 degrees F), but well worth it. Learned quite a bit about L Frank Baum and his books that I did not know.

Loved the small town atmosphere of Wamego. It has a beautiful park with several historic buildings, including a windmill.

Headed on across to Manhattan, where we made our daily stop at Dairy Queen. Then jumped on the interstate to cruise over to Ellis, Kansas. Where we took the pic above in front of Walter Chrysler's Boyhood Home and also a 360 image for Street View (below).