9.8 - The Show Day 2

Post date: Jul 16, 2015 10:55:05 AM

Woke up to a second day of spectacular weather. This is worth noting because of the number of heavy rains we have experience since our arrival in Carlisle. Walked down to the show (2.2 miles) for the second day, entering via the lower gate, which takes you into the swap meet area. We are still looking for a rear trunk emblem for Lola.

Worked my way through a few rows, had a number of good conversations with various venders, then headed up to the showfield area to set up our canopy and chairs.

Lisa and Shaelyn arrived mid morning, and we had a constant stream of folks walking by looking at Lola and stopping to chat. According to all "the regulars", Saturday is the "big" day. They were right. Most folks that stopped by were from the region, but met quite a number of folks that had come from a fair distance for the show. All people were impressed with the fact that we had driven cross country. Many told us their "Valiant"/Slant 6 stories/recollections. It was fun to watch Shaelyn interact with folks, particularly a couple of young men who had cars - one was in the Young Guns section.

We alternated between all being there (it was great to be under the canopy in chairs during the mid day sun) and making excursions out to other parts of the show while one of us manned the tent. In addition to checking out other sections oI the showfield, I walked through the Car Corral (folks who were selling cars), and featured car pavilions. Late in the day, Lisa and I went down to the main Grand Stand to check out the burnout competition - one of the guys Shaelyn had talked with was in it ... and led for a while.

I kept hunting for the trunk emblem, also trying to find an example of one on a showfield or display car - no luck. Fun part about the searching was that I got to meet all kinds of folks in the vendor booths, and get a sense of the community that it is. I had just finished talking about what I was looking for with a vendor, when I got a text from Shaelyn with an image attached - one of the young men she had chatted with had found an emblem and bought it for her as a gift. It was a Mopar moment/life time memory.