Wednesday 2nd April 2014 - morning update

Post date: Apr 2, 2014 2:02:53 AM

We had a brief look at the results from the analysis of the tune data from yesterday evening.

There was no horizontal pertubation wave mixed in, so David's NAFF analysis may in fact be picking up the vertical tune from the horizontal plates (S11,1&2) as well as the double plates (S7up/down).

Ishi-san showed an FFT of the data sets for the horizontal which showed it was difficult to spot the horizontal sidebands. This is not unexpected since we did not have a pertubation on in the horizontal and the data was taken some time after injection.

Kuriyama-san also analysed the vertical data (integrating each of the peaks then fitting a sinusoid using minuit in root) and found similar(ish) results for the higher D values but a bit different at lower D. The oscillations for the lower D values are quite small (in amplitude) as the tune at this point is further away from the perturbing frequency so the driving term is not as strong.

This morning the KURRI team are now mixing in the extra horizontal perturbation into the RF and hopefully before lunch we will re-take the same data as yesterday to compare (so then we can see if the vertical sidebands get harder to spot etc... and see if we can now observe horizontal sidebands). After lunch we will go on to take more sets of data at different energy points before and after different loss points in the acceleration cycle.

If the horizontal perturbation wave doesn't work we'll take some quick sets for the vertical tune and then move onto attempting the energy loss measurement.