Thursday 26th June 2014 - afternoon

Post date: Jun 26, 2014 9:34:08 AM

Tests with the horizontal perturbator were not successful in seeing sidebands in the horizontal frequency spectrum. This is mainly because the hardware that moves the perturbator radially cannot reach as far as desired. Tomorrow morning an attempt will be made to use the mixed RF method from last time but with a more sophisticated spectrum analyser to see the sidebands, starting at low energy and then seeing how far up in energy they can be observed as a test.

After this we will break vacuum in the main ring to change the hardware of the horizontal perturbator (so it can extend fully) and to install the adapted double triangle plate monitor. Hopefully with all of these changes we will finally manage to measure the horizontal tune across the energy range, but this will be on Monday due to the time taken to pump back down.

For the dispersion measurement in the injection line, we have agreed after Shinji's suggestion to install the slit after Q8 so we can measure the dispersion at the matching point (using 'equivalent momentum' method of varying all the injection line magnets with the same ratio). This will be done at the same time as the main ring vacuum being broken tomorrow lunchtime. Work on this measurement will begin as soon as the vacuum in the transfer line has re-established which should be much faster than the main ring vacuum.

Hopefully we will fit all of this in on Monday & Tuesday's experimental time, but Ludovic should also continue with the dispersion measurements after my visit for his report.