
56 MeV flattop, 4ns step size, beam on spectrogram

As before, the 4th harmonic is dominant during 56 MeV flattop with and without beam. 2nd harmonic is dominant at some point before flattop.

56 MeV flattop, 4ns step size, beam off  spectrogram

56 MeV flattop, 4ns step size, beam on heatmap

Bright spot is 2nd harmonic peak. 4th harmonic has a fairly constant amplitude during flattop.

56 MeV flattop, 4ns step size, beam off heatmap

56 MeV flattop  inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

With Beam

Amplifier connected

56 MeV flattop, inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

Without Beam

Amplifier connected

Trying the FAB with no amplifer. 

We tried with Ishi-san's attenuator but this produced too mcuh noise.

Attenuator is not needed if we use a 1 Mohm termination at the scope.

With started by taking data in the 56 MeV case with the amplifier for the FAB still in place.  The 4th harmonic signal is as clear as before with 4ns step size (see figures above). The apparent absence of 4th harmonic noise in yesterday's data was down to the 40ns step size (this was confirmed by calculating the spectrum taking one in every 10 data points in the 4ns case).

Take data at 56 MeV and 35 MeV using the FAB without the Amplifier.  Second harmonic is dominant in both cases.

We see the RF noise even without the amplifier, 2 nd harmonic is still strong. So the it appears that the amplifier is not being saturated.

Even so we will move the FAB later today  to (hoperfully )reduce the noise on bunched beam data

Before we move the FAB, we will take some schottky data with and with out the amplifier. We will also be able to have a longer coasting beam section since we are at 1 Hz operation.

Below are some figures comparing with and without amplifier (and with and without beam) at 35 MeV flattop and 56 MeV flattop. Its clear, from the 56 MeV data, that  when the amplifier is NOT connected the dominant noise during flattop is at the 2nd harmonic rather than 4th harmonic. 2nd harmonic also dominates at 35 MeV (as was also the case with the amplifier).

From the similarity of FAB data with and without beam, its not clear if any beam signal is detected without the amplifier.

56 MeV flattop, 4ns step size, beam on heatmap (file 0)

With Amplifier

56 MeV flattop, 4ns step size, beam on heatmap (file 4)

Without Amplifier

56 MeV flattop, with beam,  inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

With Amplifier (file 0)

56 MeV flattop, with beam,  inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

Without Amplifier (file 4)

35 MeV flattop, inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

With Beam (file 8)

No Amplifier

35 MeV flattop, inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

Without Beam (file 10)

No Amplifier

Spectrum 56MeV flattop, beam on, 4ns step

 Amplifier Connected (file 0)

Spectrum 56MeV flattop, beam on, 4ns step

No Amplifier (file 4) 

Spectrum 56MeV flattop, beam on, 4ns step

 Amplifier Connected (file 0)

Spectrum 56MeV flattop, beam on, 4ns step

No Amplifier (file 4) 

35 MeV flattop,  inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

With Beam, no amplifier (file 8)

35 MeV flattop, inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

Without Beam, no amplifier (file 10)

56 MeV flattop,  inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

With Beam, no amplifier (file 4)

56 MeV flattop,  inverted FAB profiles during flattop (covering 40,000 turns at 1000 turn intervals)

Without Beam, no amplifier (file 6)

After lunch, Schottky measurements are tried.

Take a date for the whole cycle, ~ 400 ms (from -200 ms to 200 ms, #12-16 on, #17-21 off ), 20 ns/pt

Take  another data, zoom in the first 50 ms (from -180 ms to -130 ms, triggering at -155 ms, #24-28 off, #29-33 on), 2 ns/pt

Take a data for the whole cycle, ~ 400 ms (from -200 ms to 200 ms, #34-38 on, #39-43 off), 20 ns/pt

Take another data, zoom in the first 50 ms (from -180 ms to -130 ms, triggering at -155 ms, #44~48 off, #49-53 on) and the last 50 ms (from +110 ms to +160 ms, #54~58 on, #59-63 off), 2 ns/pt

Take a data for the whole cycle, ~ 400 ms (from -200 ms to 200 ms, #64-68 off, #69-73 on), 20 ns/pt

Take another data, zoom in the first 50 ms (from -180 ms to -130 ms, triggering at -155 ms, #74~78 on, #79-83 off) and the last 50 ms (from +110 ms to +160 ms, #84~88 on, #89~93 off), 2 ns/pt

E.Y: I have just plotted each data.

(1)  Take a date for the whole cycle, ~ 400 ms (from -200 ms to 200 ms, #12-16 on, #17-21 off ), 20 ns/pt

In these plot, it is hard to see a difference in between beam on/off (h=1).

In these plots, h=10. No spectrum can be seen. 

(2) Take  another data, zoom in the first 50 ms (from -180 ms to -130 ms, triggering at -155 ms, #24-28 off, #29-33 on), 2 ns/pt

(3)  Take a data for the whole cycle, ~ 400 ms (from -200 ms to 200 ms, #34-38 on, #39-43 off), 20 ns/pt (w/ NF amplifier)

Without RF reference waveform, it is hard to know where is the bunched beam. Is it around 180ms?

(4) Take another data, zoom in the first 50 ms (from -180 ms to -130 ms, triggering at -155 ms, #44~48 off, #49-53 on) 

(5) the last 50 ms (from +110 ms to +160 ms, #54~58 on, #59-63 off), 2 ns/pt

Take a data for the whole cycle, ~ 400 ms (from -200 ms to 200 ms, #64-68 off, #69-73 on), 20 ns/pt


(7) zoom in the first 50 ms (from -180 ms to -130 ms, triggering at -155 ms, #74~78 on, #79-83 off) ,

Below figures caption: 50MS/s -> 500MS/s!

 (8) the last 50 ms (from +110 ms to +160 ms, #84~88 on, #89~93 off), 2 ns/pt

1. Better resolution with high freq samples (500Ms/s)

2. After 350(?)ms coasting, the signal is weak. Difficult to distinguish the peaks in beam on/off data.

3. Seems averaging data will also work for shcottky analysis?

4. The time constant of the NF amplifier with FAB would be about a few 100us (200-300us). Would this be affecting the data taking of a single particle delta function like signal?  

5. Time constant can be changed by additional shumt impedance before the amp. 

6. It might not change  situation drastically, would it be possible to set the scope next to the ring, with/without amplifier?