
Thursday 30th Nov

Two foils made, one of 9ug/cm2 thickness (2 x 4.5) and one 17.6ug/cm2 (2 x 8.8).

Foils were made on first try with no other problems. Other experiment was running on Thursday and Friday, so no access to beam line until the Monday.

Monday 2nd Dec

Wire scanner successfully installed in main ring with vacuum in main ring also applied.

Foil holder apparatus was not in beam line so new ones will have to be made. JB end also needed to be reconfigured to the setup required for the experiment.

Spent some time determining cause of failure of the downstream foil holder in previous run. Found that the spoke for the portal to insert and remove the foil holder in and out of the beam line had to much slack, meaning it sometimes snagged on the aperture. Only using one foil in the upstream and downstream locations rather than two. This means the space requirements for the foils to be inserted and removed are smaller, but requires quite a bit of re-configuring of beam pipe elements that is possible with the elements available.

Currently designing foil holders for current apparatus setup. Too late to conclude tonight. Will finish in the morning with a vacuum being applied over lunch.