
RF Study

No RF patterns were run, beam intensity to low

Vacuum seal has been broken for foil efficiency experiment

Foil Efficiency

No single pane foils of sufficient size have successfully been made.

Will use four double sided foils of total thickness 8.0, 10.0, 10.4 and 17.6 ug/cm2. A back up foil of 8.8 ug/cm2 has also been made as the 8.0 ug/cm2 foil has some tears.

JB line is currently being modified to move portals closer to dipole magnet.

Will use foils either side of dipole magnet with three Faraday cups placed around the dipole magnet.

Faraday cup magnets are to be procured still, as well as mechanism to slide foils in front of the Faraday cups.