
Bit of an issue connnecting to the lecroy scope via ethernet with default settings. The scope here is connected to a DNS server which connects all the instruments togther. To connect to the scope via LAN, the computer's ethernet adapter will need to be added to the DNS server. Kuriyama-san can add the laptop to the server.  You can then plug your ethernet cable to a ethernet switch box.

Once that is done you can select VXI-11 under utilites > network and connect on the ip address

Some machine issues but all working now 

Rep rate set to 5Hz

When operating at a low rep rate we see the beam signal go off every 3 seconds or so. To take the data we will trigger the scope when we see beam signal and take 3 datasets to reduce the effect of variations in the beam intensity

Taking data for the beam lifetime test, using the awg script tmp_12_3_84_0.056056_100ms.equ 

Machine issues.

Still seeing lots of RF noise on the FAB despite better signal, we discussed moving the FAB  further away from the cavity. Main benfits of this would be a clearer 4th harmonic and would make tomography and beam current calculations easier. Moving the FAB involves breaking the vacuum so we will leave it for now and decide tomorrow based off today's data.


Here is an example of the RF noise in a case without beam (file index 2). The second harmonic appears first followed by the 4th harmonic. 

FAB monitor heatmap

The heatmap is for the same case (no beam). The RF starts at -70ms. The second harmonic reaches a peak 8ms after this. The 4th harmonic kicks about 2-4ms later.