Thursday 25th June 2015

Post date: Jun 25, 2015 9:52:09 AM

This morning we finished taking the COD data for 900A corrector strength.

The analysed data will be uploaded once it's done.

We then took a sample set of waveforms using the radially movable BPM so we can check whether or not the position is readable using this device. Analysis also ongoing, the raw data is here, where there is L and R plate data and a reference file of the bunch monitor signal at the same time.

After this (at about 12pm) we switched beam off so the team could open up and remove the additional probe pieces. Once this was done the vacuum was a little slower pumping down than expected, so we had a presentation from David B about his PhD work at Huddersfield and plans to use the KURRI machine as a test-bed against the OPAL code.

To prepare for tomorrow, we then tested out Shinji's rf waveform generating script by loading files onto the Arbitrary Waveform Generator and onto the LLRF system to check. After some debugging the waveforms looked good on the LLRF system. So we are all ready to test them out tomorrow with beam when the machine should be pumped down and ready to go. (Hopefully Shinji can update the script on gitHub to fix the small bug we found).

The other major item to start tomorrow is the tune measurement with momentum for various COD strengths. We may not complete these for more than one corrector setting in one day... so they may have to be completed next week. Perhaps we should start with the higher corrector setting...

Picture of the KURRI Variable k, 20 degree rf file:

Picture of Shinji's generated variable k, 20 degree rf file (once fixed):

Picture of one of Shinji's files when it was broken: