Monday 29th June 2015

Post date: Jun 29, 2015 1:22:08 PM

We continued taking betatron tune measurements over the acceleration cycle with the corrector at 900A as described in the previous entry. We only managed to get as far as 10ms. It proved difficult in some cases to find the signal corresponding to the horizontal tune - it would either be absent or masked by vertical oscillations. By connecting to a different triangular plate we would eventually find a signal. At the end of the day we noticed that a stronger signal could be obtained after adjusting the injection. This suggests that horizontal injection mismatch my have been at fault and we hope its mitigation will ease data taking tomorrow.

From the tune measurements taken so far, we can see a similar pattern to before but shifted to lower values in both planes. We expect a shift to a lower vertical tune given that the D current has been reduced.