Mission: Crush The Rebelion

Type: Principal


The Celestarii are a Xenos-worshiping cult. Born from the famine and bitterness of the wars, the Celestarii ranks swell among the nobles of the sector. While persecuted by the Ordo Hereticus and Adeptus Arbites, Imperial authorities are not able to eliminate the cult.

The Cult's tenets maintain the Imperial Creed to be false while worshiping a secret race of superior beings which slumber, who they believe will one day awaken to bring immortality to their servants and death to all who oppose them. The Cult takes alien artifacts as holy relics and carries out cannibalistic rituals.

In the Deluvian system were the cult is the most active, their leader is StarLord Rahomunzu.

Due to Defence Forces being sent to planets at war, Rahomunzu was able to instigate a rebellion on the Planet Amraphel in the Hive City Mansoura III.

He is now in control of the Southern Pilar.

The Imperium need to crush this rebellion once for all.

The Maynarkh, even they do not care of being worshiped by lesser creatures, wants the rebellion to succeed in order to create trouble in the Imperium Controlled Zone.


Hive City Mansoura III is the smallest of the 3 Hive Cities of Amraphel, and also the closest to the Pyramid site.

The Destruction Player setup the terrain as he please, following Thematic Terrain guidance.

Thematic Terrain: To represent one of Mansoura III Southern Pillar, place in the "Enemy Deployment Zone" as much building as possible.

The rest of the zone must be field with small debris, trashes area terrain and "Egyptian" building.



Moreover Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures can not zoom over the Enemy Deployment Zone.

The Armies

In this mission, HQ unit are worth 3 points, Troops & Dedicated Transport are worth 1 point, and other unit are worth 2 points.

  • Order:

    • Use the Standard Army

      • The Order Army is at the offensive in this mission.

      • Your army must contain at least 15 points of unit. (see above)

    • Destruction:

    • Use the Standard Army

      • Your army must contain at least 12 points of unit. (see above)

      • You must also add an allied detachment including:

        • StarLord Rahomunzu as an HQ

        • 0-1 Renegade Disciple Squad (Chosen from IA13: Renegades and Heretics Armies p159), they can not take the following options: Chaos Sigil

        • They must take the Chaos Convenant special rule with Covenant of Nurgle, to represent the Cult Celestarii rule

        • 1 Renegade Infantery Veterans (Chosen from IA13: Renegades and Heretics Armies p164), they can not take the following options: Chaos Sigil

        • They must take the Chaos Convenant special rule with Covenant of Nurgle, to represent the Cult Celestarii rule

        • 0-1 Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery

        • 0-1 Renegade Support Squad

        • They must take the Chaos Convenant special rule with Covenant of Nurgle, to represent the Cult Celestarii rule


Use Compendium - Altar of War - Space Marines Mission: Angels of Death (p10)

Replace The Armies paragraph by above Armies rules

Replace the word "Space Marine" by "Order"

Replace the word "Enemy" by "Destruction"