Standard Army

When not specified, the following rules applies to choose your army.

Maximum Points: 1850pts


Maximum Number: Unlimited

Limitation: None except that Apocalypse Formation, Adamantine Lance Formation can not be used.

Unbound Army can neither be used.

Lord of War can be used if they represent less than 25% of your army.

Army sources:

You can not use any of the following armies:

Space Marines Chapters & their descendant chapters: Ultramarine, White Scars, Raven Guard, Imperial Fist (including Sentinels of Terra) , Salamanders, Red Scorpions, Carcharodons, Raptors, Executioners, Mantis Warriors, Red Hunters, Star Phantoms, Fire Hawks, Astral Claws (included Tyrant's Legion), Dark Angels

Chaos Space Marines Legions: Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, Cypher, Old Renegades and Heretics (Imperial Armour 5,6 & 7) are outdated.

Astra Militarum Regiments: Elysian Drop Troops, Tallarn Regiments

Others: Mephrit Dynasty, Farsight Enclave, Craftworld Iyanden

You can use any other sources:

note that: Armoured Battle Group, Space Marine Siege Assault, Ork Dread Mob can be used.


Depending of your Primary Detachment, you can add formation or detachment from the following allies faction.

The following syntax will be used:


  • Primary Detachment Faction: Ally Faction 1, Ally Faction 2, Ally Faction 3, etc


  • Space Marines Minotaurs: None

  • Space Wolves: None


  • Inquisition: Grey Knight, Imperial Knight, Assassin


  • Black Templars: None

    • Chaos Space Marine: Daemons, Renegades and Heretics

  • Tyranids: To be defined...


  • Adepta Sororitas: Inquisition, Assassin

    • Eldar: Harlequin, Eldar Corsairs


  • Necron: Maynarkh Dynasty

  • Maynarkh Dynasty: Necron

    • Angel Revenant (As Blood Angels): + Necron Illuminor Szeras as a Mandatory HQ (Mechanical Augmentation can target any Space Marine)


    • Chaos Space Marine: Daemons, Renegades and Heretics

    • Renegades and Heretics: Chaos Space Marine, Daemons


    • Dark Eldar: Harlequins, Eldar Corsairs


  • Tau: None


    • Ork: None

    • Death Korps of Krieg: Astra Militarum

    • Astra Militarum: Death Korps of Krieg


    • Daemon: Renegades and Heretics, Chaos Space Marine