Elenlith Craftworld

The Eldar of Elenlith were living on a small planet, far from the center of the Eldar Empire, known for being a incredibly beautiful place, where nature and Eldar technology were evolving in a wonderful synergy leading to a near-perfect psychic resonance. No wonder why then, it was the home of numerous psykers, among the most powerful of the Eldar Empire.

Thanks to the remote location planet of their planet, and its natural pychic shield, the Eldars of Elenlith, barely, escaped the initial psychic blow resulting of Slaanesh birth: more than three quarters of the population died instantly, as did billions of living creatures at that very moment. Survivors tried to revive their beautiful planet right after the Fall, but soon realized that corruption from the Eye of Terror was now too close and made the task impossible: their world was now definitely lost, convulsing under the assaults of She Who Thirsts and her minions.

Lead by the handful of Psyker who managed to escape death and madness, assisted by the best Bonesingers still alive, they quickly built a gigantic craftworld ship named Elenlith, the Ashes of the Stars, to hold what remained of their people and culture. Elenlith was finally thrown into space with on its board millions of Eldar survivors willing to flee from the Eye of Terror and hopefully catch up with other remnants of their former civilization…

Soon, this quest reveals itself far harder than expected, for the remains of the Eldar were very few left in the Universe. The powerful Psykers of Elenlith managed to enter in contact with their pairs from Ulthwe, and time to time their journey crossed the path of another Craftworld, but received at best a cold welcome as the late exit of Elenlith from the Eye of Terror brought a lot of suspicions regarding its acquaintance with the forces of Chaos…

Millennia passed and a lot of the surviving Eldars, rather than facing their doomed fate, just chose to die, letting their spirit merge with the ship Infinity circuit, thus reducing the population of the living year after year, while Elenlith was still cruising through the infinite space from one galaxy to another, without any more goal than survival…