Why it's more important to teach children about oral hygiene today

Post date: Apr 08, 2021 7:51:4 PM

Dr. Kami Hoss is an exceptional dentist and businessman. Beyond his business venture, he also makes it a point to hold events that educate people on proper dental hygiene. He shows why it's more important to teach children about oral hygiene today.

The excessive sugar content in food As any dentist would advise, you should always be aware of how sugar affects your teeth. In a nutshell, when sugar is retained in the deepest corners of your teeth, it undergoes chemical changes that turn it into an acid, which is harmful to your teeth because acid tends to eat up calcium, the organic matter of your teeth. Dr. Kami Hoss adds that with today's foods, children are exposed to high and frequent levels of sugar, with all the snacks they always like too much on.

Lifestyle habits

Unlike before, children today tend to have sedentary lifestyles, with them always glued onto their mobile phones and tablets. This is even more frequent today in this pandemic when online schooling depends so much on gadgets. One truly cannot dispense with the technologies available today, and this has made children engrossed and focused on what they are doing, and they sometimes forget to brush their teeth.

The reality of dental health problems Statistics have shown that 1 out of every five children aged 5 to 11 has at least one untreated decayed tooth. For adolescents aged 12 to 19, the number is 13%. It seems that younger generations have even more poor oral health than older generations. This is alarming because it shows that we need to be more aggressive in our parenting responsibilities by reminding our kids to be more conscious of their oral maintenance habits. Dr.Kami Hoss, MS, DDS, is the co-founder and CEO of The Super Dentists, a business he established with his business partner and wife, Dr. Nazli Keri. To help the children in the community, The Super Dentists regularly holds events that teach the importance of oral health care. Visit this page for more information.