Today’s available solutions for crooked teeth

Post date: Jul 16, 2021 7:18:26 PM

As a very experienced dentist, Dr. Kami Hoss is one of the few experts out there who can say that he has seen everything. One of the common dental issues that people complain of is crooked teeth. In this blog, he shares a number of solutions for this.


Most dentists who observe misaligned or crooked teeth in their patients would always consider the use of braces. Braces serve to apply a certain amount of pressure on the teeth so that it grows into proper alignment through time. It’s less challenging to employ the use of braces in children compared to doing the same for adults

Teeth contouring

There are some cases of crooked teeth wherein the crowding is very mild. In such cases, teeth contouring is quite sufficient as a solution. Teeth contouring is quite simple and straightforward, because it only involves carefully reshaping the teeth to make them appear straighter. The issue is not that complicated, which means the process doesn’t take very long, either. You should be walking out the dental clinic in an hour or so.


In extreme cases, surgery is an option that seeks to address crooked teeth, especially if the condition poses a threat to the natural orientation within your mouth and your jaw. A surgery might be needed in order to reposition the bones and gums that help hold the teeth in place. There are also people who have been unable to chew or speak because of crooked teeth, and for cases like these, surgery becomes a necessary option.

Dr.Kami Hoss, MS, DDS, is a dentist and entrepreneur. He co-founded the pediatric dentistry practice The Super Dentists with business partner and wife Dr. Nazli Keri. For more about the company, please visit this page.