How often should you get your teeth checked?

Post date: Jul 29, 2020 9:47:2 PM

A person’s oral health serves as a window to their overall wellbeing. Most people know that it’s important to maintain a good dental routine to keep teeth and gums healthy. However, not many get their teeth checked regularly. Dr. Kami Hoss shares on this blog how often one should visit their dentist. In general, a visit to the dentist can be split into two parts: assessment or examination and oral prophylaxis or cleaning. Dental professionals recommend patients to visit their dentists every six months. Several studies revealed that some people could go a year without a visit to the dentist, while others may require more than a couple of trips to their dentist per year. Regular checkups are important in keeping one’s teeth clean, healthy, and strong. A professional eye can detect problems that may not be felt by the patient. In many cases, dentists help identify underlying health issues to a seemingly non-threatening dental issue. A person’s oral hygiene tells a lot about their overall health, which is one great reason to schedule regular appointments with the dentist.

Periodical dental cleaning helps lower the possibility of developing teeth and gum disease, mentions Dr. Kami Hoss. More than removing stains, regular cleaning eliminates plaque, a sticky layer of bacteria. When left untreated, plaque can result in gum disease or tooth decay. Plaque hardens and becomes tartar when not remove, which would require a dentist to use particular tools to get it out. Kami Hoss, DDS, MS, is the CEO of The Super Dentists. He is also a sought-after author, consultant, inventor, speaker, and entrepreneur. For more updates, follow this Twitter page.