Does The Type Of Toothbrush Affect Your Dental Health?

Post date: Jun 20, 2018 8:57:0 AM

We see them in commercials, we see them on the checkout counter at the grocers or supermarket different types of toothbrushes with certain features and highlights. We have ones with soft bristles, extremely thin bristles, tongue cleaners, even electric powered ones that beep when we’ve brushed our teeth thoroughly. One might ask, does choosing a toothbrush affect my dental health?

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Right now, there are two main types of toothbrushes, electric ones and manual ones. As dental practitioners often stress, people should brush their teeth at least a total of two minutes to ensure optimal oral health. This might be a bit too much for a few people, but it is necessary.

For those who want an easier time with this routine, an electric toothbrush can save you the effort. Vibrating and spinning electric brushes are also good at cleaning hard to reach places.

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When it comes to manual toothbrushes, firm bristles can damage the enamel and hurt your gums at times. This makes toothbrushes with soft bristles a great choice. Keep in mind that bristles need not be firm to do a good job of cleaning your teeth.

Kami Hoss MS, DDS is a man of many skills and expertise. He holds a master’s degree in craniofacial biology and a doctorate in dental surgery. Dr. Hoss also served as an associate professor at the University of Southern California’s Orthodontics Department. He is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego. For more insightful reads on oral health, visit this website.