Six tips for better toothbrush sanitation and storage

Post date: May 18, 2020 10:38:36 PM

Toothbrushes help in keeping the teeth healthy and strong. What some are not aware of is their responsibility to keep their toothbrushes clean and dirt-free. Nobody wants to store their oral hygiene equipment in a filthy place. An area may be clean to the naked eye, but filthy under a microscope.

Instead of just rinsing off toothpaste and saliva from the brush head, rinse it thoroughly with warm water to make sure the bristles are cleansed from any leftover toothpaste and food debris. If warm water isn’t quickly accessible, soak the brush head in antibacterial mouthwash for 15 minutes. Avoid sharing or reusing the mouthwash used for soaking, notes Kami Hoss, DDS, MS. Keep toothbrushes as far as possible from the toilet. Toilet plume may land on the brush and may cause illnesses in some cases. Store brushes upright to let them dry out completely between brushing. Medicine cabinets won’t help as they keep brushes moist for a long time. If brushes are stored in the same area, prevent another person’s brush head from touching yours. Kami Hoss, DDS, MS, reminds everyone to replace toothbrushes every three months. Now that the world is trying to be healthier, it may be wise to consider replacing brush heads earlier than three months or soon as the bristles feel weak. Oral hygiene plays a big role in a person’s overall health, and sanitation and storage of dental equipment should not be taken lightly.

Kami Hoss MS, DDS, holds a master’s in craniofacial biology and a doctorate in dental surgery. He also co-founded and built The Super Dentists with his business partner and wife, Dr. Nazil Keri. For more updates, follow him on Twitter.