Tartar talk: How to avoid a nasty buildup in your mouth

Post date: Nov 02, 2018 4:15:4 PM

It’s a big, scary word in the world of dental hygiene: tartar, something frightening enough to make someone regularly brush, floss, and rinse. But what is tartar and how can you prevent this icky stuff from building up on your teeth? Here are some tips. Bacteria are naturally present in your mouth, no matter how diligent you are in taking care of your teeth. They mingle with proteins and food byproducts to form dental plaque, which is a sticky film that coats teeth, gets under the gum line, and sticks to fillings as well as other dental work. Plaque transports bacteria that can damage tooth enamel and result in cavities. Bigger issues emerge when plaque stays on your teeth, hardening into tartar. Also known as dental calculus, tartar forms below as well as above the gum line, and remains as a rough, porous bane that can lead to receding gums and gum disease. Special tools in a dentist’s arsenal can expertly remove tartar.

It’s crucial to stay on top of your oral health and prevent the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash twice daily at a minimum. Floss once every day. Visit the dentist regularly for dental cleaning (every six months ideally) and oral examinations. An anti-plaque toothpaste, as well as an electric toothbrush, are great options to advance the fight against plaque.

Kami Hoss, MS, DDS, is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego. He is also a sought-after author, consultant, inventor, and speaker in the fields of dentistry and business. Visit this blog for more dental tips.