Dental bone grafting: An overview

Post date: Nov 20, 2019 7:52:17 PM

According to Kami Hoss, not all bones that get fractured heal the right way. In even direr circumstances, some bone fractures even pose an immediate danger to the overall health of an individual. For these reasons, Kami Hoss adds, bone grafting is a very possible solution. Bone grafting entails surgeons taking fragments from a different bone in a different part of the patient’s body and using these fragments to bridge spaces fractures cause. Other times, surgeons use synthetic materials. Kami Hoss explains that bone grafting is not uncommon in dental surgery. For patients who have experienced tooth loss from either extraction, infection, or physical trauma, dentists perform bone grafting to return the bone to its form before it was broken. Dental bone grafting may also be very important when installing dental implants, especially if the size and position of the tooth isn’t ideal. Since bones in the face, those in the jaw included, help keep the form of our facial skin, if they are fractured, such may drastically change how a person looks. In these instances, dental surgeons use bone grafting to return the damaged bones to their original structure. Kami Hoss also explains that through the advancement of dental technology, dental bone grafting has reached the point wherein the accommodation of dental implants fully eliminates bone loss. Dr. Kami Hoss is a sought-after author, consultant, inventor, and speaker in the fields of dentistry and business. He has also written articles published in numerous professional and community journals and publications. Visit this page for more on dental care.