Five reasons drinking water is good for the teeth

Post date: Aug 19, 2021 8:11:7 PM

Drinking water offers health benefits that are hard to deny. As water makes up 60% of a person’s body, staying hydrated is one way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dental health is a window to one’s overall health. In this blog post by Dr. Kami Hoss shares five ways drinking water improves oral health. Saliva aids in preventing tooth decay by washing down food stuck in the teeth and gums. Drinking water prevents dry mouth caused by decreased saliva production and secretion. Dry mouth is an uncomfortable feeling that can be easily combatted by proper hydration. There are few factors for halitosis or bad breath, and one of them is a dry mouth. Drinking water helps reduce bad breath. While dental products help mask bad breath, drinking water helps target one of its root causes.

Drinking water reduces the mouth’s pH level. Washing down with water acidic food and drinks that go through the mouth is one’s best way to reach a neutral pH level in the mouth. Drinking water improves gum health. As dental health also involves the gums, proper hydration keeps the gums hydrated, ready to fight off gingivitis and potential tooth loss. According to Dr. Kami Hoss, drinking water with fluoride strengthens the teeth. Sure, there is controversy that surrounds drinking water with fluoride. However, the American Medical Association endorses water fluoridation. Dr. Kami Hoss is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego. For similar posts, visit this page.