Here’s how to defeat mask mouth

Post date: May 03, 2021 11:27:47 PM

Wearing a mask is non-negotiable, especially in parts of the world where help against the virus is still far off. There are ways to fight mask mouth even without compromising the health and safety of others against COVID-19. Develop an oral care routine and follow it diligently. Brush at least twice a day, and floss and gargle at least once. Keep a close eye on sensitive gums and teeth. Seek professional dental care should one notice any discoloration, pain, tenderness, or bleeding in the gums.

According to Kami Hoss, MS, DDS, it’s important to stay hydrated in order for the mouth to produce saliva. Since masks will be staying a part of one’s life for a little longer, be sure to always use clean masks to prevent bacteria from growing inside the mouth.

Kami Hoss, MS, DDS, is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego. He holds a master’s in craniofacial biology and a doctorate in dental surgery. To read more from Dr. Kami Hoss, visit this page.

As the world begins to see an end to the COVID-19 pandemic, health experts still advise people to wear their masks when around people from different households. With this safety protocol locked in for probably another year, it is incredibly important to know how to defeat mask mouth.

Mask mouth is an emerging oral health concern that deals with an increased dryness in the mouth. The dryness in the mouth is not a result of poor dental hygiene, rather an unwanted direct result of wearing a mask almost all day, says Kami Hoss, MS, DDS. A person may be suffering from mask mouth if they have dry mouth, bad breath, and bleeding gums. These three give space for bad bacteria to breed in.