An overview of the best practices of flossing

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Kami Hoss, DDS, has always believed that flossing is one important step that people shouldn’t forget in their oral hygiene. In fact, the American Dental Association recommends using dental floss once a day. Yet without proper instructions, it can be difficult to gauge if people are flossing all right. On that note, here is a quick review from dentist and author Kami Hoss, DDS on the best practices of flossing.

First off, Kami Hoss, DDS, suggests that people use a generous amount of floss for every session, or a piece that’s around 18 inches long for a good job. Floss mildly and never too aggressively, as doing so risks damage to their gums. What people should do is a gentle scraping of their tooth from the top down.

If they’re finding it hard to use the usual floss, people can try dental tape, a thicker piece of thread. It’s best to look for products that carry the ADA seal of approval, ensuring that the material is safe and has been approved by experts using their official guidelines.

People should ask their dentist for feedback on their dental hygiene and any additional steps to add to flossing, such as dental rinses.

Kami Hoss, DDS, also tells people to not get nervous about some amount of bleeding while they floss. Pay attention to the exact spot, see if the bleeding clears up in a bit, and don’t forget the back of the last tooth.

People should also avoid reusing floss. The item is meant for one-time use only. Don’t abandon regular flossing, as toothbrushes cannot effectively access the area in between teeth. If people don’t floss, people give bacteria a free pass to hide and proliferate in those areas, causing cavities and gum disease in the long run, Kami Hoss, DDS, adds.

Kami Hoss, DDS, is a man of many skills and expertise. He holds a master’s in craniofacial biology and a doctorate in dental surgery. Dr. Hoss also served as an associate professor at the University of Southern California’s Orthodontics Department. He is the CEO of The Super Dentists, the largest pediatric dentistry and orthodontic practice in San Diego. Read more on this site.