Potential activities


Foxhunt REVERSE -- collect data; discuss at following meeting.

Student Roundup Student Roundup contest Oct 21 - 25

Field Day Actual activity and planning meetings

Winter Field Day Actual activity and planning meetings

VHF contest

SOTA Activation Summits On The Air, Pistol Hill, Tucson east side

Meteor Shower Use MSK144 software on 2 or 6 meters, make digital contacts.

Titan Missile Museum Operate using the discone antenna


SDR purchase $20 SDR off Amazon; install SDR#, YTR leads: config SW, practice decode: PSK31, SSB, CW, FM

Satellite Training Satellite operating training

Meteor Scatter Evening of MSK144 on 2 meters during a meteor shower.

CW Academy 8-week course to learn CW


APRS Droid activity, set up on your smartphone, purchase audio cables beforehand, get passkey beforehand

build activitIES / Demos

2-meter Vertical Ground Plane Build this antenna for new members!

End-fed antenna Build a 50:1 balun, hang an end-fed wire and use the combo on 20 meters in the field

Installing Coax Connectors Demonstration and practice installing PL-259 connectors onto RG-8x or RG-213 coax cable. This will be a soldering approach, NOT requiring any crimping tools.

Trap Dipole

attic trap dipole on 6 bands and very detailed instructions on constructing and testing traps (the most crucial part of the antenna!) with photos

how to construct traps

trap dipole on 80, 40, 17, and 12 with how to construct traps; I like how they include SWR plots for each band;