2022 Calendar
As of April 5, 2022, meetings have been moved to a hybrid format (over Zoom & in-person).
Meetings begin at 6:30 PM
January 11 - What’s New in the World of Amateur Satellites
Virtual Presentation
Frank Karnauskas, N1UW is Vice President, Development for AMSAT, the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. Frank will give an overview on the types of satellites that Amateur Radio organizations are now flying (their orbits and communications modes), how to track them (with free apps for smartphones and tablets) and how to work them (with simple antennas and radios). Frank will also show how anyone can receive pictures from the Amateur Radio station on board the International Space Station or exchange digital contacts with fellow hams through the ISS digipeater. This presentation is just an overview but provides links to more information for those who wish to pursue this very interesting facet of Amateur Radio.
February 1 - RF Exposure
Virtual Presentation
Greg Lapin N9GL will be giving a talk about RF exposure and how to calculate exposure limits for your station!
March 1 - Yaesu
John Kruk is the National Sales Manager for Yaesu USA. He will be giving a presentation on Yaesu's current lineup of products, as well as exciting opportunities between K7UAZ and Yaesu.
April 5 - First In-Person Meeting
This will be the first in-person meeting since COVID started. To celebrate, we will be hosting a joint meeting between K7UAZ and OVARC at the Old Engineering Building. Both clubs will present on what is happening within their clubs, and a tour of the K7UAZ shack will be given
May 3 - Ionosodes and Ionograms
Eric Nichols KL7AJ recently had an article published in QST! He will be giving a presentation about using Ionosodes and Ionograms to measure various properties about the Ionosphere.
June 7 - Detailed Design of Yagi Antennae
Kent Britain WA5VJB will be giving a talk about Yagi Antennae, how they work, and how to design them.
July 5 - Internet Linking for Amateur Radio (EchoLink)
Jonathan Taylor K1RFD, the designer of EchoLink software, will be giving a presentation on internet linking software for amateur radio.
August 2 - Introduction to AX.25 and Packet Radio
Hilly Paige W7HIL, the current Vice President of K7UAZ, will be giving a presentation on AX.25 and packet radio.
September 6 - Radio / Radar Applications in Air Battle Management
First Lieutenant Anthony Valenza will be giving a presentation about how Radio and Radar applications on board the E-3 Sentry Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft. He will also be sharing some personal experiences on using Radio in the Air Force.
October 4 - All About APRS
Community member, Marnee Dearman (KG7SIO), will be giving a presentation on APRS to the club.
November 1 - CatSat Update & Live Demonstration
Hilly Paige (W7HIL) and Del Spangler (KK7IGS) will be giving an update on the University of Arizona's CatSat mission alongside a live demonstration of the satellite!
December 6 - Ham Radio Jeopardy!
K7UAZ will be hosting a social event at this month's meeting so members may have a chance to relax before final exams and the holidays. This month's meeting will feature ham radio questions in the style of the popular quiz show, Jeopardy! Holiday festivities will also be involved with some additional snacks and activities.