2023 Calendar

As of April 5, 2022, meetings have been moved to a hybrid format (over Zoom & in-person).

Meetings begin at 6:30 PM 


January 3 - History of HF Signals and How CatSat will monitor Propagation

Mike Parker (KT7D) founder of the Rincon Research Corporation, will be giving a talk about the different types of signals that are seen in the HF band and propagation phenomena that affects them. Some of his experiences with HF will be discussed ranging from attempts as a High School Student to receive signals from Sputnik 1 to receiving RS10/11 satellite signals while it was over the south pole.  Experiences trying to use ionospheric reflections to synchronize clocks before GPS satellites will be mentioned. How to process CatSat data to recover HF signals and measure ionospheric phenomena will be described.  Ham signals (WSPR and FT8 ) will be emphasized in our collection plans.  Other useful signals may be WWV time signals, CODAR transmitters, and ionospheric sounders.


February 7 - Interactive Lesson with Digital Modes

Our club's current Station Trustee and Manager, Curt Laumann (K7ZOO), will be presenting an interactive lesson on digital modes. Club members and students will learn about different software applications for digital modes including Fldigi, YONIQ, and MMTTY. 


March 7 - General Business Meeting

This month's meeting will be hosted only over Zoom due to the University's spring break. This will just be a general business meeting to go over club logistics and updates. More information about club leadership positions will be discussed at this meeting


April 4 - Homebrew Loop Antenna

Oro Valley Amateur Radio Club (OVARC) member, Paul Cowger (W9PDC), will be presenting an interactive lesson on a homebrew loop antenna. Motors, controllers, and a live demo are included!






July 4 - Meeting Canceled for Fourth of July


August 1 - Club Updates & New Officer Introductions (Zoom Only)


September 5 - Interactive Lesson Using SignaLink with Digital Modes

Welcome new student members and engage in a hands-on lesson taught by Hanna (KK7EKD) and Lance (KK7NHU). They will be showing attendees how to use SignaLinks in tandem with software like YONIQ to send images from PC to PC using radio waves.


October 5 - Eclipses!

Welcome Bill Mader, K8TE, for a presentation on the relationship between solar eclipses and radio transmissions. Bill's presentation focuses on the HamSCI effort to collect data for studying the impact of a solar eclipse on the Earth's ionosphere using HF propagation. Topics covered will include solar eclipse history, the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, the Ham Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI), and much more.


November 2 - WSPR and HF Propagation

Join us in analyzing data on WSPR transmissions transmitted during the partial eclipse on October 14. Get a hands-on experience in using software to characterize the propagation of radio waves (VOCAP) and visualizing WSPR data (wspr.rocks).


December 7 - Meeting Cancelled for Reading Day