President's Letter 2013-2014

30th August 2014

Dear Friends

It was felt that we should have a joint report 2013/14.

It was wonderful reunion at Leicester in 2013. There were more younger members with children was a delight. Hard work of Dr Anish Shah and Dr Rajesh Bhatt was well appreciated. They also provided Jalebi and Ganthia for morning breakfast paid by them. Thank you Anish and Rajesh.

Thanks to Dr Pravin Kalaiya and Dr Mathur Dadhania for their professional photographs (as always). It is available on our website. We had difficulty in accessing on iphone but had no difficulty on computer. Our website is Please access it as there are previous photos and as well as other information. Please contact Dr Mahesh Trivedi, Secretary JDA if there is any important information which could be appropriate to put it on website. Thanks to Dr Tribhovan Jotangia for setting up website’s present address.

We are grateful to Dr Mahesh Dhebar and other members (including spouses) for their contribution in AGM and beyond. Some members have taken care in arranging their holidays around JDA reunion e.g. Dr Madhu Patel. Thanks to Madhu and all other members and/or spouse who have attended JDA reunion.

We are proud to be a student from MPSMC. One of the graduates from our college Dr Jayshree Mehta has been elected as President of Indian Medical Council. She deserves congratulations from all of us. Dr Kanabar was among one of few persons who were honoured by President of Tanzania. We have sent congratulations to Dr Kanabar on behalf of JDA, UK.

We are very glad to know our beloved “Jiju” (Dr Mahendra Amin) is doing very well and will be attending 2014 reunion. One of the member’s spouses has developed Myasthenia Gravis (we have not written name as we have not taken permission) and if anyone knows Neurologist then please let us know so we can find out more if there is any new development in the management is in pipeline. Our member has requested us to find out.

We have to share a sad news about Nehal. Dr Yogesh Bhimpuria’s 41 year old daughter passed away suddenly with brain haemorrhage. Our heartfelt condolences to Yogesh and family. Dr Yogesh Bhimpuria has qualified from Ahmedabad but has always supported us.

We will be grateful if any member has problem then to contact Secretary to resolve it. If it remains unresolved then he will ask Executive Committee to discuss or to put it on agenda for AGM depending on the type of issue. It will be appreciated.

Thanks to Dr Bhupen Shah, Dr Kirti Mehta, Dr Mahesh Trivedi, Dr Chirag Shah for all hard work from Dr Anil Baxi.

Please try to encourage doctors from Jamnagar to take interest in JDA. We request to those senior members who have not taken part for a while to reconsider. It will make us proud.

Thanks to Shree Anantbhai, Patron to take keen interest in welfare of JDA.

Best wishes

Dr Bhupen Shah MS FRCS DLO Dr Anil Baxi MD FRCP FRCPCH DCH DPaed DipMedEd

Ex-President President