President's Letter 2007

This year’s reunion has been one of the most enjoyable The main reason being the change in the venue and plenty of new faces that have now started attending the reunion.

We were very much honoured by the presence of Shri Anantbhai and Varshaben who have been a tower of strength to us ever since he has been the patron of our association. Varshaben complimented the quality of food and commented this has been the best food since she has been attending our reunions. It was even nice to see our past president Batuk Kamdar and Beni after a gap of couple of years.

Fresh vitality in the form of our new secretary has brought about a well organised well researched format, and this made the function continue without any hitch.

This time the AGM was well attended and lots of fresh ideas have been suggested including having the next reunion in Isle of Wight. The committee is looking in to the cost implication and the feasibility of this proposal. It would be nice to hear from the members about their views and would appreciate if you could give us some feed back.

It was nice to see some fresh graduates who have come here off recent taking active part in the association and it was unanimously decided to take Chetan in the executive committee. He has put forward some very interesting ideas which are under considerations for future implementation.

The music was good. To keep the overall cost down £480 for the musical group was good value for money.

ON the whole this was another successful reunion and as we all parted, the talk centered on meeting again next year and failing the Isle of Wight venue to keep the same venue again. This was very encouraging.

I would like to take up this opportunity to thank every one who has supported the JDA by their presence. I also appreciate the support of those who could not make it to this reunion because of their prior commitments but very much hope that they would be able to attend next year. Incidentally next year we shall be meeting two weeks after the bank holidays so please do make a note in your dairy

With fondest regards

Dr Lalit Nirmal