President's Letter 2000


There was a deep sense of satisfaction after our Annual Reunion 2000 meeting in Coventry on the weekend of 14 to 16thApril. And were even more successful then previous years.

There were all the ingredients, which make our meetings what they are. Warm fellowship, camaraderie, nostalgia and care for each other’s well being. In the past year several of our members have suffered from health problems – we are all feeling the chill of anno-domini – thankfully we have managed to weather the storms. It was time to meet friends and experience their caring embrace.

Several members could not attend because of personal commitments – we missed them and we hope they will join us next year.

The programme for the reunion at the Coventry Village Hotel and Leisure Club was well organized by our secretary Lalit Nirmal. He was well assisted by Dr Jotangia and friends in Midlands.

Our Patron Shri Anantbhai Shah & Mrs Varshaben Shah attended as our honored guests. All enjoyed the dinner and dance on Saturday the 15th. Musical entertainment by Mr. Mahesh Gadhvi & party was vibrant, modern and nostalgically romantic.

Our reunion next year will be in Midlands on the weekends of 6th to 8th April. We would like to see you all with your families and PLEASE commit yourself to attend our just a once a year meeting. We would like help with finding the venue, arranging the programme, positive and constructive suggestions are always welcome.

Next year our reunion will be the ninth one. This will be followed by our tenth reunion in Jamnagar. We Hope to have this meeting possibly in January 2002 inviting all M P Shah Graduates to participate in this reunion over a period of three to four days in Jamnagar. We hope to make advantageous travel arrangements and the outward journey to include a stop over in Dubai fir four days including a gala dinner and dance. We hope to invite our colleagues from E Africa and U S A and various other places.

How does this excite you? Please respond to Lalit or myself. Very soon we hope to appoint an organizing committee. Volunteers are most welcome.

Love to all and hope to hear from you soon

Batuk Kamdar