Reunion Letter 2011

JDA UK Annual General Meeting

Date: 17th September 2011

Venue: Allesley Hotel, Coventry

Dr Jotangia welcomed members.

Apologies: Mr AMP Shah

Dr Jotangia re-iterated the aim organisation by sating that our aim is to be a non political, non charitable social organisation.

Dr Jotangia informed that we have paid £ 560 + donation received from a member’s wife to make up Rs 51,000 to Drug Bank at Jamnagar.

Dr Jotangia informed the meeting that we will not deal with Alumni Association as JDA but individual can provide support directly if they wish.

Dr BK Shah went through finance of the JDA since last AGM. He informed the meeting that we subsidised the re-union as agreed. It was expected that we will have to subsidise to some degree this year. Finances were available for individual member to examine.

Dr Lalit Nirmal took part in Jamnagar Alumni Association gathering. He informed that it was well organised gathering. There were various good speakers. Mayor of Jamnagar spoke at the gathering. Some members donated to the Alumni Association.

Dr Baxi gave brief of Executive Committee meetings. He and every one else welcomed Doctors’ from Ahmedabad who were able to attend the re-union.

Proposals were put forward for discussion about future membership. Healthy debate took place. Most of the members gave their views. Following decisions were made:

  1. Continue with membership fee for this year and review the situation at next re-union.
  2. If present arrangement continues to be a problem then either hybrid system need to consider or scrap the membership fee and have levy for re-uninon.
  3. We need to emphasise importance of membership to maintain JDA.

Elections were held for the new committee.

New Committee:

Dr Bhupen Shah President

Dr Mahesh Trivedi Secretary

Dr Kirti Mehta Treasurer

Dr Madhu Patel

Dr Mahesh Patel

Dr Chirag Shah

It was agreed that next reunion should be at the beginning of September. Dr Mahesh Dhebar agreed to be event organiser if re-union is held in Lake District.

Anil Baxi