President's Letter 2012

Dear Friends,

I hope you all had good Diwali celebration.


This year we had JDA reunion function on 21st/23rd September at the Holiday Inn in Leicester. Our secretary, Mahesh Trivedi and treasurer Kirti Mehta spent a great of their valuable time, worked hard to organise a very successful function. Whilst I was bit disappointed that many of our regular attendees did not manage to join us, we all missed them very much, I was very pleased to see many new and young doctors with their families. It also lovely to see some old friends who managed to come despite their health problems. The venue, food, music and best of all the company was excellent. I believe we all enjoyed the weekend very much. AS usual our patrons Shri Anantbhai Shah and Mrs.Varshaben Shah attended and enjoyed the function. I was also very pleased to see him on the dance floor. Antakshri was excellent, performing wonderfully late into the night.

We had an open discussion in the AGM regarding the future of the JDA and there was only one voice, "Continue". Our new and younger members have vowed that they will try their best to make next reunion even better and more enjoyable.

I would like to request all of you to come to meet old friends and find new friends to share and create new memories during next function.

Have a joyous Christmas and Best Wishes for 2013.

Thank you.

Bhupendra Shah