Reunion Letter 2009

6th March 2009

Doctor qualified from

M P Shah Medical College – Jamnagar – India


At present

Resident in United Kingdom

Dear Doctor,

NEW Venue, NEW Caterer, NEW Music Party and NEW Committee. NEW BEGINNING

JDA Reunion 2009

17 -18 April 2009 - At the Britannia Hotel in Coventry city centre.

Your committee hope that you and your family had good Diwali & Christmas and wish you and your family prosperous new year. Yes, it is time for our next reunion. This year’s JDA reunion will be held in Coventry.

Britannia Hotel, Fairfax Street, Coventry CV1 5RP Tel: 02476 633 733

For direction, please visit hotel’s excellent website. We have managed to negotiate very competitive charges, better than last year, for the room and Gujarati vegetarian meal for lunch and dinner.

Charges to attend the reunion are as following.

Your prompt response is required by 21 MARCH 2009

Please send your completed booking form with appropriate cheque as soon as possible. Britannia Hotel will require full payment 4 weeks prior the event.

Annual General Meeting 2009

AGM will be held, like previous year, on Saturday 18 April 2009 3.00 pm. Our present committee will have served its full term of 3 year by the next reunion. Election of new committee is on the agenda. Some suggestions are received regarding the structure of new committee. One member has suggested to from 3 groups, Midlands, North and South. Each group in turn organizes the reunion in rotation. Another suggestion was to invite joint group nomination of president, secretary and treasurer. Please feel free to forward your suggestion. All suggestions and nominations will be put together and on Saturday morning handed to all members attending the AGM.

JDA Subscription:

Please make sure your subscription is paid up to date. Any query regarding your subscription please address directly to our treasurer Dr. Bhupendra Shah

New JDA Website:

Please visit our new JDA website under construction at and let us know your comments in our AGM

Members left the JDA:

Following members have terminated their JDA membership and have since left JDA.

Dr. Madhusuan N Mehta 19/02/2009

Dr. Kantilal Rajpal Shah 14/03/2008

Dr. Jayendra R Shah

Members joined the JDA:

No new members have joined the JDA

If you know any MPSMC doctor who has not received this letter, you can invite him/her to our reunion and please also advise me so I could send them proper invitation.

Committee members look forward to see you at our next reunion.

With kind regards

Yours sincerely,

Naresh Gohil

Dr. Naresh M. Gohil

105 Brockhurst Road

Hodge Hill


B36 8JE

Tel: 0121-783 4699

Mobile: 07966 213 824


JDA (UK) Committee (April 2006 –09)

President: Dr. Lalit Nirmal

Secretary: Dr. Naresh Gohil

Treasurer: Dr. Bhupendra Shah

Committee Members:

Dr. Mahesh Dhebar

Dr. Tribhovan Jotangia

Dr. Usha Shah

Dr. Pushkar Desai

Dr. Rajesh Bhatt

Dr. Hasmukh Shah

Dr. Chetan Mukhtyar


Since our last reunion following JDA members have passed away.

01/02/2009 Dr. Ramesh G Patel

31/01/2009 Dr. Batuk A Kamdar

18/11/2008 Dr. Shantilal R Shah

14/11/2008 Dr. Chandrakant J Patel

22/02/2008 Dr. Narendra (Nalu) Vaghjiani

16/12/2007 Dr. Lalit Parikh (USA)

30/11/2007 Dr. Vinod Patel