AGM 2005







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AGM 04/04/2004 - CONVENTRY

    1. Dr Mahesh Dhebar welcomed all. Dr Jotangia introduced and welcomed new members and first time attendees i.e. Dr Kiran Vaja, Dr Kantilal Thaker, Dr Bhanumati Thaker, Dr Kirit Mehta and our guests from Ahmedabad Dr Pinakin Thaker adn Dr Dilip Shah, and from Baroda Dr Navin Shah.
    2. Present were 41 members of JDA as per the attendance list.
    3. Apologies were received from
          1. Dr C J Patel and Mrs Mira Patel
          2. Dr Uttam SHah and Dr Usha Shah
          3. Dr Lalit and Dr Divya Nirmal
    4. Minutes of the last AGM held on 12/04/2003 were read, proposed by Dr H C Shah and Seconded by Dr Sumaria and were approved.
    5. Matters Arising
    6. Dr H C Shah asked if JDA has Power Point Projector. The answer was no, only a laptop and printer.
    7. The hotel accommodation and music were excellent but the food was not impressive and hence a discussion pursued and the members asked the secretary to look for alternative venues and try for better food, if possible outside Indian caterers to supply the food.
  1. Shri Anantbhai showed a film on the late Shri M P Shah. It was an eye-opener and educational, regarding the greate man's life and achievements. Sadly the film did not run to the end due to a technical fault. Shri Anantbhai, thought, gave every member present a book entitled "Shri M P Shah, His Life and Achievements" by Paul Marrett.
    1. Shri Anantbhai Shah was asked to launch the new 2004 JDA Directory. This was distributed to all present and Dr Jotangia will send a copy to each absent member.
  2. MPSMC - Golden Jubilee Celebrations - a letter received from Dr Vithalani, present Dean of Shri MPSMC, was read and the dates were noted to be 6th till 9th of January 2005. A discussion pursued adn it was decided to form a sub-committee consisting of Dr N Vaghjiani, Dr H C Shah, Dr Dhebar, Dr Baxi, Dr Jotangia and Mr Batuk Kamdar. Dr Vaghjiani will head the sub-committee and organise travel and liase with MPSMC Golden Jubilee Committee. A discussion followed regarding what we should give to MPSMC Golden Jubilee. Dr Kamdar told us that we should present an academic talk adn our experiences rather than financial donation but let us not decide today but wait for the sub-committee to liase and then find out what their need is. When asked how many people are willing to attend the event in Jamnagar, 26 people raised their hands.
  3. Dr Anil Baxi presented the Treasurer's report. A copy of accounts was given to all present. Current balance of £3080.04 was shown on balance sheet. But looking at this year's income and expenditure, some £1500 will be drawn from this balance. Dr Jotangia pointed out to all present that Holiday Inn charged £30 for room rather than £60 as informed, and hence we saved around £1200 from last year and this figure was taken into budgeting for this years function. Dr Baxi also informed all that we have this year raised some £500 in raffle and the prizes were excellent i.e., Gold chain, DVD Player, CD Player and a bottle of champagne (kindly donated by Drs Uttam and Usha Shah). The cost of the prizes was £250. Dr Jotangia thanked Dr Usha Shah for making lovely posters for the raffle draw.
  4. Dr Rajesh Rahtod read a poem about this Re-union.
  5. The meeting closed with a Vote of Thanks by Dr Mahesh Dhebar who thanked all present especially Shri Anantbhai Shah, Dr Jotangia and Dr Baxi who put in all the hard work towards this Re-union and especially in producing the new directory on time. He also thanked our guests from Ahmedabad and Baroda who were with us on this day at the Re-union.