Minutes of Meeting 2006


HELD ON 9/4/2006


AT 10.30am

CHAIRMAN – Dr Maheshbhai Dhebar welcomed all and handed the meeting over to the secretary to conduct the AGM’s business.


Dr Jotangia read out the list people present and read out the list of written and phone apologies received. He said that Dr Batuk Kamdar sends his best wishes for AGM and has told us to continue with the JDA unity and spirit and make every effort to make thins livelier and attractive for young doctors to carry on the JDA in the UK


Apologies were received from

The AGM accepted Dr Amichand Shah’s resignation.


Minutes of the last AGM in letterform were read out. There were no matters arising and hence adopted as a true account. There was no chairman’s letter last year as he had done for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations 2005.


MPSMC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION – Dr Jotangia briefed that the Alumni have held two meetings, one in Rajkot and one in Ahmedabad. We have one set of minutes and the 2nd set has yet to be received. The office bearers of the Alumni are as follows:

Each city in India where any Alumni Doctor is practising has a representative.

Dr Jotangia represents UK and Dr H C Shah represents as Trustee (UK)

The main aims of the Alumni are

  1. To look after the affairs of Hostels
  2. To look after the affairs of the Hospital
  3. To look after the affairs of the Library
  4. Upgrading teaching aids and equipment
  5. Upgrading living accommodation of P.G. Students
  6. Liase with E Africa, USA and UK and ex MPSMC Associations

All those present were given Alumni membership forms individually to fill and send membership fee in sterling and donations to Dr H C Shah, who will then send these in Rupees to the Alumni in Jamnagar.


MPSMC DRUG BANK Dr Jotangia read out a letter received from Drug Bank Coordinator and gave a brief about how the Association is helping out needy patients who can’t afford medicines. Those who visited Jamnagar during the Golden Jubilee Celebrations have individually donated to the Drug Bank. An appeal was launched and the AGM decided that every year we will hold a raffle and whatever is raised will be donated to the Drug Bank. All agreed and this year members present collected £580 between them. Dr Jotangia will ask Trusha Dave to link the website with our website. Dr H C Shah will make arrangement to hand this money in Rupees to the Drug Bank.


Treasurer’s report was presented till the end of April 2005 – (see attached). Dr Jotangia presented this year’s Function finances and said that approximately £3700 will be Expenditure and the Income including the Raffle will be £3600.


Correspondence – two letters, Dr Amichand Shah’s resignation and Drug Bank were already read and actioned. The third, e-mail from Trusha Dave was read. The AGM agreed to pay £50 per annum and pay her since 2001 till 2006 i.e., 5 x £50 = £250 immediately. Dr Jotangia will make arrangement for this.


New office bearers for 2006 – 2009 term are as follows:

The next committee meeting will be held in September / October time.


Way forward and next reunion.

    1. To encourage more doctors to come and attend, as the Leicester venue, food and music were appreciated by all present, and to hold it at the same place if possible.

Timing will be one of two weekends after the Easter Holidays in 2007, i.e., 21st/22nd April 2007. After discussion it was decided that next year the food should be all vegetarian as non-vegetarian food turned out to be a big waste this year.

    1. To send details of this meeting, Alumni forms and the Drug Bank appeal letter to all members who are absent.
    2. To delete all unpaid members from the posting list and concentrate only on paid up members.
    3. All members to be reminded to update their Standing Orders to their bank to £25 per doctor.
    4. Members to visit www.geocities.com/jamnagarvasi, our own website to get updates.


Any Other Business. Dr Jotangia and Dr H C Shah donated £105 each for their son’s and daughter’s weddings respectively, to the JDA(UK).


The meeting ended with Gathia and Jalebi, donated by Dr Rajesh Bhatt.