Reunion Letter 2007

Doctor qualified from M P Shah Medical College Jamnagar India

Dear Dr,

You may be aware that all doctors qualified from the M P Shah Medical College, Jamnagar have their annual reunion at least once a year, at various venues, under the banner of JDA for past 15 years. I received your email address from Dr. T Jotangia. I write to you this letter as I understand that you are qualified from M P Shah Medical College, Jamnagar and at present I do not find your name or address in our JDA members database. I cordially invite you to attend our forthcoming reunion in April 2007. All relevant detail and booking form to attend this reunion are included at the end of this letter. I hope you could attend.

I also hope that you and your family had good Diwali & Christmas break and wish you and your family prosperous new year. Yes, it is time for our next reunion.

JDA Reunion on 28-29 April 2007 - At the Watermill Hotel in Hemel Hempstead

Committee gave considerable thought in choosing this venue for our next reunion. This venue is close to Greater London area where 60% our members reside. For remaining members coming long distance, this venue is surrounded by varieties of leisure activities. The cost of venue is also very competitive compare to previous venues. Committee visited the Watermill Hotel, had committee meeting there and unanimously approved this venue. It is in middle of serene countryside, short distance from where M1 and M25 cross.

The Watermill Hotel, London Road, Bourne End, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP1 2RJ

Tel. 01442 349955. For direction, please visit hotel’s excellent website, which also has beautiful 360-degree virtual view of the hotel. Charges to attend the reunion are as following. There will be authentic Indian Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian dinner, and of course Jamnagri Gathia as well.

Local Leisure Activities around the Watermill Hotel with their website addresses:

    1. Several Golf courses, one is just overlooking from the hotel balcony
    2. Boxmoor Golf Club: Box Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Tel: 01442 242434
    3. Hemel Hempstead Sports Centre: Park Rd, Hemel Hempstead, Tel: 01442 228188
    4. Famous Bovingdon Market for our ladies - to shop until you drop!
    5. Lego Land - for you and your grand children,
    6. Whipsnad Zoo , Hampton Court
    7. Windsor Castle

Should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the friendly staff of the hotel. Just mention that you are JDA member.

JDA Directory:

Directory is continually changing database that needs constant maintenance. Our directory has been maintained excellently by our former secretary Dr. Tribhovan Jotangia and all his predecessors. This was only possible because members have been regularly sending in details of their changing address and academic achievements of their family members.

However, members’ response in this area has been less than adequate in recent years. Committee hence decided to contact all members by telephone to obtain relevant information. We have started to contact members by telephone but have not managed to contact all the members yet.

On the “Booking Form”, there is an exact copy of your personal entry in the directory. Please check this detail and amend as necessary. Complete the “Booking Form” if you are attending next reunion and return it with your cheque to the secretary. If your directory details are correct and you are unable to attend 2007 reunion, still return this form. It will assist the committee to revalidate your personal detail in the database before publishing the directory for distribution at our next reunion.

JDA Subscription:

Your subscription payment status for last 2 years, for year 2005 and 2006, according to treasurer’s records, is copied in to the “Booking Form”. If you have not paid or underpaid your subscription, please add appropriate amount when completing the “Booking Form” and amend your bank standing order to correct amount for future subscription payment.

Please return the “Booking Form” in all circumstances

even if you are unable to attend the reunion this year

If you know any MPSMC doctor who has not received this letter, you may invite him/her to our reunion or please advise me so I could send them proper invitation.

With kind regards

Yours sincerely,

Naresh Gohil

Naresh M. Gohil

105 Brockhurst Road

Hodge Hill


B36 8JE

Tel: 0121-783 4699

Mobile: 07828 824 331


JDA (UK) Committee

President: Dr. Lalit Nirmal

Secretary: Dr. Naresh Gohil

Treasurer: Dr. Bhupendra Shah

Committee Members: Dr. Mahesh Dhebar

Dr. Tribhovan Jotangia

Dr. Usha Shah

Dr. Pushkar Desai

Dr. Rajesh Bhatt

Dr. Hasmukh Shah

Booking Form (PDF format)