我的列印專用 css

/*   Print Style Sheet Theme Name: Sade Theme URI: http://comodos.110mb.com Description: Sade Theme is a very simple and nice looking Wordpress theme. However, it is customizable and flexible.<br /><br />Sade Theme is:<br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;* Simple and customizable.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;* Valid for XHTML 1.0 and CSS standarts.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;* Compatible for Wordpress 2.0 and above versions.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;* Fully compatible for Widget.<br /><br />Note: In spite of that the default language is English, the theme's language will be Turkish. Because, There are two language files ("tr_TR.po" and "tr_TR.mo") for Turkish in the theme's root directory. If you want to change the theme‘s language to English, delete these language files or copy into another folder. Author: Okan Şenol Author URI: http://comodos.110mb.com/ Version: 1.1 */ @media print { body {background:white;       font-size:10pt;       margin:0 } .sidebar { display:none } .header { height:75px } #header_search{ display:none } #content{ margin-left:0;       float:none;       width:auto } .demo .red { color:black;       font-weight:bold } #content a { font-weight:bold;       color:#000066;       text-decoration:underline } #content{ margin-left:0;       float:none;       width:auto } /* h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { page-break-after:avoid;       page-break-inside:avoid }  h3 { margin-left:10px;       margin-bottom:0px;       padding-bottom:0px } blockquote, table, pre { page-break-inside:avoid } ul, ol, dl  { page-break-before:avoid }*/ img.centered { display: block;       margin-left: auto;       margin-right: auto; } img.right { padding: 4px;       margin: 0 0 2px 7px;       display: inline; } img.left { padding: 4px;       margin: 0 7px 2px 0;       display: inline; } .right { float: right; } .left { float: left } img { page-break-inside:avoid;       page-break-after:avoid; } /* #commentform { display:none } */ .image-grey-border {   padding:5px;   border:1px solid #ccc; } .comment_form { display:none} .ad { display:none } .div_menu { display:none } .functions { display:none } /* #footer, .ad { display:none } */ #footer_logos { display:none } .footer_heading { display:none } .footer_theme { display:none } }