Rockman 5 Dood in Gate VS. Rockman 5 Dood in Wily's Last


The time has come when I'm going to review between 2 of Chiko's Rockman 5 hacks when they are currently in use. One being removed and one being hosted in public.

First off, Chiko's 2nd Rockman 5 hack is the VERY first release of Rockman 5 Dood in Gate which is August 23rd 2009. I have played every single aspect of the game and I didn't find it interesting but it became too easy for me. Until the significant changes came along for each release.

Changes from each release

August 20th 2009 - First Release. (Possibly bugs)

August 23rd 2009 - First Release.

October 2nd 2009 - Second Release

Weapons continue to drop from cleared levels.

Added Upside down Metools, coded from Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space.

Rooms named HEAT UP! in Charge Man's level.

Super Arrows are no longer infinite when riding.

Some stages fixed.

Added enemies in Crystal Man, and Napalm Man's level.

Title Screen Changed.

October 10th, 2009

Renamed to Dood in Wily's Last.

Title Screen Recolored.

Stage Select Changed.

Wave Man Recolored.

Enemy AI's coded from Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space.

October 17th, 2009

I didn't catch that download.

October 18th, 2009

Napalm Man Stage Changed, taken from Rockman 2 Grayzone.

Star Man Stage Changed.

Gravity Man Stage Changed.

Crystal Man Stage Changed.

October 19th, 2009

Not sure.

November 20, 2009

Gravity Man - Added Gordo Spikes.

Wave Man - Background fixed.

Star Man Changed - Made it unfair to players. That also includes getting the letter M in these transparent backgrounds.

Charge Man - Completely remodeled.

Napalm Man - Completely remodeled, at least he got rid of Quickman's Rockman 2 Grayzone level.

Blues 4 BGM Pointer changed.

November 21, 2009

Star Man stage fixed at the "GO DOWN" scene.

November 22, 2009

Blues 3 stage completely remodeled.

Elevator scene of Gyro Man stage remodeled.

Wily 2 and 3 completely remodeled.

November 23, 2009

Mostly the boss rooms of Wave Man, Gyro Man are changed. Possibly their boss AI edits for Blues 1 and Wily 3.

November 25, 2009

Boss weakness changed? (Not sure)

Stone Man completely remodeled.

Blues 2 completely remodeled.

December 17, 2009

Gyro Man Completely remodeled.

Wave Man Completely remodeled.

Blues 1 Completely remodeled.

Blues 4 Completely remodeled.

January 07, 2010

Title Screen changed, again.

February 06, 2010

Most stages made some new adjustments.

Napalm Bomb no longer OHKO.

February 11, 2010

Bug corrections for Star Man and Gravity Man.

February 26, 2010

Stages have gotten a new look.

Star Man's Mugshot is changed. Similar to Rockman 5 WDS.

March 14, 2010

White Day version of the game. Bugfix for wily defeated.

March 28, 2010

Opening screens and Title Screens palette has been modified.

April 19, 2010

Crystal Man's Stage is remodified.

September 12, 2010 (Present)

Bug corrections for Crystal Man and Blues 3.

MMC3 music has been corrected the right way.

These are the differences of 2 two games.

Title Screen

Rockman 5 Dood in Gate design and palettes are really AWFUL. But I don't know exactly what it means. I know for a fact that it looks sort like a map of Japan. I am not much of a Japanese reader, but it says "Yatsunu" when they found who is the main culprit of the game. In Dood in Wily's Last, it says "Wairi" meaning Wiley or Wily and words are colored like Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space. It's palette swap are almost similar to it. They even have the Wily coil like on Rockman 3. But in Chiko's 1st Rockman 5 hack called Rockman 5 Dark Return, It reads "Yamika" meaning shrouded in enternal darkness. They even have 3 dark enemies in the title screen.

January 07, 2010 version

This is a good colored Title Screen. It reads Chiko in Hiragana than his katakana name.

Chiko has been recolored the Title Screen for March 28th 2010 version and it's EXACTLY like Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space. What is Chiko thinking? Unless it has something to do with Lucky man 5. The name of Chiko's real game is called, Rockman 5 Dood in Wily's Dream Spac..- Damn it!

Stage Select

The original version have some bricks in the background while Dood in Wily's Last just have a black background with other polished decorations. Even the bolded text. Chiko didn't actually palette quad the potraits which is why Wave Man and Napalm Man have the same palettes when I patched Roll Chan 5 into these hacks. However, it's shiny parts palettes are also changed. I don't think the stage select screen isn't that important.

In addition with the stage select screen, the February 26, 2010 version has the same Star Man mugshot as Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space.

Wave Man's palette seems different from the first release of Dood in Gate and is almost the same as Megalion 2 created by Kelvin the Lion until Chiko recolored it in the later versions of the game. The same goes for Crystal Man between the 2 palette changes. Fun fact is the new palette of Wave Man IS the same as Rockman 5 WDS.

Gyro Man's Level

February 06, 2010 version

It is one of my favorite stages in the game and it's a bit easier than I expected. But the boss is still too hard. Unlike Dark Return which is really unfair after too many retries trying to beat him, Gyro Man is now one of the medium difficulty boss is even known.

What's even more great about Gyro Man's stage is the music. Played from the game RosenkreuzStilette stage 1 of Iris Sepperin. The graphics are almost original.

NOTE: All music is composed by DHI of Rockman Exhaust, not Chiko.

The November 22nd version of Rockman 5 Dood in Wily's Last uses the same reference as Rockman 5 Dark Return but more easier. E-Tanks can be collected before the elevator scene. Even the boss room is changed and again for the November 23rd version.

Until yet again that Gyro Man's stage is completely changed for the December 17th version. Now it's hard to finish without the Super Arrows or Rush Coils. See this run here. Graphic uses is Kirby, Super Mario Land 2, and Rockman 6 which Chiko rips from Rockman Mindroar, Rockman 5 WDS, Rockman 2 MIN, Rockman No Constancy, and Rockman EXHAUST. Donut blocks are designed from Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island which is originally used in Super Mario Bros. 3.

Crystal Man's Level

The original version of Dood in Gate just have the back and foregrounds of Flashman with the flashing spikes. Don't know why is not the opposite. On the screenshot when Roll Chan is riding on the infinite Super Arrow which is no longer used in later versions. There is an error on the map editing in the first release. However, the 2nd version of Rockman 5 Dood in Gate have upside down metools. Why this version have them now. It still makes them hard.

When Dood in Wily's Last arrived, it has changed into more crystal cleared stage but way too hard to beat. You have to be a master to reach Crystal Man but his AI is way too worse than Dark Return. The graphics are used with SMB2USA Vines, Brambles from Donkey Kong Country 2, Rockman 2 Grayzone (Possibly Rockman 6 orginally), and Ice from Kirbys.

What really bothers me is the Gordo Spikes are now used that Tar originally planned. Of course, they are ripped from the Kirby game.

April 19, 2010 version

Just like Napalm Man from the last previous versions, Crystal Man's stage was also tweaked. Which becomes less difficult than the last previous version with those awful brambles.

Star Man's Level

November 20, 2009 version.

The original Star Man's Level is quite original. However, most of the ripped graphics are also used. Especially the unused tiles from Crash Man in Rockman 2. Difficulty is Medium. The Dood in Wily's last version seems a bit hard but also contains some ripped graphics from Sparking to Hero and various others. Also note that the foregrounds are nearly the same as Wily 2.

Dood in Wily's last is difficult to obtain one of the Beat parts until you head left while falling. While Dood in Gate, you can choose which path to go to get them. The November 20th version of Dood in Wily's Last made it unfair in the hidden ladder scene which I don't know where it is. Until the November 21st version has been corrected.

Gravity Man's Level

November 20th, version

Gravity Man is one of the hardest stages in both versions. First off is that Dood in Wily's Last uses a similar variant as Wily's Dream Space when you reach the checkpoint. And the graphics themselves also similar to Wily's Dream Space especially Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island.

While Dood in Gate uses Magnet Man and part Kirby graphics and is not well designed. Thank Goodness. And is far too worse to complete.

And Chiko uses the same refrence as Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space.

Napalm Man's Level

Stages like those shoudn't belong in neither game. First that the original Napalm Man stage have part Needle Man graphics and others and is not properly designed. Napalm Man became clear until Chiko added new enemies in the 2nd version of Dood in Gate. And there are also some Boss room changes also.

While Rockman 5 Dood in Wily's Last, Chiko completely changed the stage layout to Quickman's stage from Rockman 2 Grayzone.

The stage acts exactly as if were used in Rockman 2 Grayzone but with Rockman 5 WDS conveyor belts. Most importantly, some of Crash Man tiles are used and some others too I don't even know.

February 06, 2010 version

The November 20th version of Dood in Wily's Last has built something more original. Almost but graphics are continously taken from Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space. These graphics are originally taken from Rockman 3, Rockman 6, and Super Mario Brothers. The level themselves isn't very pretty either. Don't you think that the new Napalm stage seems similar to Flash Man from DHI's Rockman Exhaust hack?

Wave Man's Level

Wave Man's stage has been changed for a little bit from either versions especially the undesigned part in this screenshot which is used for riding the jetski in the October 19th version of Dood in Wily's Last. Whatever happened to the sun from Rockman 6. Wouldn't make it a better background than pieces of squares. Until the November 20th version which is been corrected again.

Comparing to Dood in Gate with Dood in Wily's Last, the boss rooms in Dood in Gate starts with a Smiley face before it is redesigned. Then in Dood in Wily's Last October 19th version, it's been changed into a jungle. Then again for November 23rd version, it's changed into a sunset arena. Graphics is taken from Rockman 2 Minimum, Rockman 6, and the angry sun from Super Mario Bros. 3. Proberly because of the glitch after the jetski scene which Chiko planned to redesign it. On this screenshot above on both Wave Man arenas in Rockman 5 Dark Return, they are different than the original room when you enter the left middle capsule in Wily 3. Imagine Rockman 5DWL will have the same desire. Problem is in Rockman 5 Dark Return, when you die against Wave Man, you start again with glitch loaded graphics at Wave Man's level.

December 17, 2009 version

Only the first half of the stage is remodeled. Scrolls remain the same and so are the same palette enemies. However, the second half added more enemies and is almost similar to Rockman 5 WDS. I kinda wish the "Gangplank Galleon" theme music from Donkey Kong Country is used for that level because it's fun to play.

Rockman 5 WDS, Stone Man

According to Chiko's Blog, this screenshot is used as a refrence to the other screenshots mention here about the angry sun arena.

Charge Man's Level


February 26, 2010 version

The boss rooms changed in the 2nd version of Rockman 5 Dood in Gate written "HEAT UP". Graphic uses are Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island, flames and other scenes are from Rockman 2 Grayzone. Chains are from SMB2USA which come from Napalm Man of Rockman 5 WDS. The November 20th version ripped graphics directly from Rockman Sparking to Hero, Maverick Revenge/Grayzone Wily 3 which came from Wily 2 in Rockman 4, Rockman 6 and from the last previous versions. Both stages difficulty is medium.

Stone Man's Level

In the Dood in Gate version it uses Ice graphics from Mario (and Doki Doki Panic), Rockman 4, stolen from Rockman Sparking to Hero, and Wily's Dream Space. Then in November 25th version, parts of Rockman 2 Grayzone Bubbleman graphics are being ripped off, Napalm Man, Skull Man, and Drill Man's graphics are used. Only the first half of the new version's level is remodeled.

Since my computer is broken after November 24th, I have to watch Bluestar899's video to see it.

Rockman 5 WDS, Star Man

Most of Chiko's hacks uses it, and so is the modified version of Stone Man when Rockman 5DWL the 02/26/10 version has it's new graphic looks.

Blues Stages

Blues 1

In the original Dood in Gate, you are forced to use Rush Coils, Rush Jets, and Super Arrows to jump a 4 wide gap. Then in later versions, enemies are added and completely remodeled into blocks. This stage has been revised several times. Graphic uses is Rockman 2 Wily 1, Ice Man's level from Rockman, Rockman 6 Mr X Stage 4 and some of Sparking to Hero's (Or should I say the Patchouli Moon Crest from the Touhou Rockman game called MegaMari) Moon graphics only for November 25th version. When the December 17th version arrives, this stage is completely remodeled and this time, it's much more spacier than before. Graphic rips is from Rockman 4 Sparking to Hero Skull Man, Rockman No Constancy Wily Stage 4 and some other graphics. However, it does not really show improvement.

February 26, 2010 version

As the new graphic look for Blues 1 for February 26, 2010 version, it uses cities from WINED's Rockman 2 Grayzone. This proves that Chiko continues to rip off graphics from other Rockman hacks.

Blues 2

This stage is been revised several times for each version. The Dood in Gate version uses Wily graphics from Rockman and Rockman 2. Until the second version of Dood in Gate, enemies are added. I find this stage spooky for the November 25th version of Dood in Wily's last when Chiko redesigned it. You call it improvement. Of course not. In fact, I like the original version the way it is. These graphics are being ripped from Mega Man III Return by Pantheon Sasuke and Toad Man's Rockman 4 Sparking to Hero (Also from Rockman 4 Kai). But then again, this is where the "KILL YOU" from WINED is moved from Wily 2DG to Blues 2DWL.

Chiko uses the same exact thing as Rockman 5WDS.

Blues 3

The original Dood in Gate have graphics being ripped off from Dustman's Sparking to Hero. The later versions remodified the moving blocks scene and add more enemies until the November 22nd version. Blues 3 is extremely hard when I played it and has Ice Graphics being taken from Crystal Man's Rockman 5 WDS. Originally from Rockman 6, Kirby, and Rockman 3's Shadow Man. Talk about a strange multi-path.

Blues 4

Darkman's AI editing has been modified between the two versions and the BGM is the Blues whistle in the November 20th version. Until yet again for the December 17th version, not if this stage is rebuilt but it's difficulty become hard to reach Blues. Graphic rips are unknown for the redesingned level.

Wily's Stages

Wily 1

Wily 1 from the original version uses Rockman 3 and part Kirby graphics and Dood in Wily's last stole it entirely from Gravity Man's Wily Dream Space. I wonder why? Both stages uses flashing foregrounds which they kinda annoying.

Wily 2

The original Rockman 5 Dood in Gate uses graphics from Rockman 2 Grayzone, Kirby, Rockman 3, and Rockman 5 WDS. On the GIF animated screenshot, the "GO" and "KILL YOU" is from the 2nd stage of Rockman 2 Grayzone created by WINED the one with the Jet Stingway theme music. Until it moved to Blues 2 for November 25th. In Rockman 5 Dood in Wily's Last, because the graphics used in other stages such as Napalm Man and Star Man, this version of November 22nd is taken directly from the final stage of Rockman 2 Minimum created by Tar. It's a bit unfair with the Super Arrow scene if the player forces to reset the game when it runs out. Until corrected for November 23rd.

Wily 3

These graphic changes and stage layouts are completely different between the two versions.

Wily 4

Redesigned level.

Chiko have completely changed Wily as the final match in Dood in Wily's Last instead of the weird looking Yatsunu. At least the weak point remain unchanged. Well not really, it just makes it more harder to reach.

And there you have it, these are the major differences between the two. Don't know why it should have been the first release but Chiko must've changed the ideas completely and could have created another one like it. And finally, I have the attachment file of the original Dood in Gate from August 23rd 2009 version and many archive versions that Chiko deleted it off his website (Or Webfile as the uploader) for newer versions.

Currently, I think Dood in Wily's Last is really awful and I give an overall rating of three. Seriously.

Lucky Man 5

This prequel or demonic version of Dood in Wily's Last modified by Chiko is much more harder than the original version. Graphics are not well designed as people say and has been ripped off from several hacks. If you played Rockman Peercast or even Rockman Deft, this is a similar otaku gameplay. I give this hack an overall rating of one. All 8 stages are modified.

Future plans for Chiko

I predict that Chiko may rip off Ririka, kuja killer, Insectduel, and infidelity's work sometime but clearly I hope not. Esepcially if I have my own Mega Man IV project in progress. My Mega Man 1 project may be on Ice but dosen't mean that Chiko can use my ASM work but he is welcome to take my crappy ladies and 1 thrown stage.

Futhermore, Chiko has been modifying and releasing new levels which isn't a good thing. Otherwise many people will host them into another webpage that would be wrong and is Chiko's own fault anyway for making these in the first place. Rom-hacks are art and ART SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED IN ANY WAY! EVEN IF IT'S YOURS. My advice is to proof read and beta test your own levels before releasing and stop using other people's hack as a crutch. Pretend that isn't your project. Make your project original like these great artists like me, Puresabe, Ririka, kuja killer, Matrixz, etc.

And that rest my case.


Rockman 5 Dood in Gate/Wily's last and Lucky Man 5 is created by Chiko. Insectduel has no intention of claiming Rockman 5 Dood in Gate/Wily's last as his own. Rockman and all related characters are copyrighted by CAPCOM including original coding. No infringement intended. Insectduel is in no way in affliation with Nintendo and CAPCOM.