It's 2012, lets get on with it!

Post date: Jan 11, 2012 8:26:46 PM

First some ROM-Hacking announcements!

I have finished inserting all the levels in my SNES version. Some object sets in their original bank has run out of room so I have to move it into another. Like Plains levels into Water/Pipe rom offset. Sky/Ice, Plains, Desert, Piranha/Clouds/Giant has little free space left over.

I am ready to start placing pointers into the map screen and beta test. I'm currently not going to fix anything yet until released. Keep in mind that when I release my next version, it will NOT be the final version. It's expecting to be in Mid-February during Winter Break or maybe less.

I still need help with ExGFX because some stages has garbled graphics. If you're extracting ExGFX from SMW, that does not make you an exprienced person to do the same in SMAS. There are NO editors to extract GFX in SMAS and insert them by ASM. It needs to be by hand. The only known person is Spel Werdz Rite so far but I'm still looking for somebody who has knowledge to extract GFX in SMAS. Unless you can teach me how the gra phic routine works.

Also if you like to join me with the beta-testing, feel free to ask. But don't tell me that I already know that can't be done.

Upcoming Events

This Saturday, I'm going to Mika and Richard lateshow. It's $25 for the door fee at DROM which is located at Lower East Side Manhattan. For now on, I must refrain from buying food and drinks including alcohol drinks. My money is planned for Banda Magda in February or any event that Mika Mimura has taken place.

And Sunday is Reni's Maid Show. Here's her event page here (Reni Mimura). As you know, 2011 was bad, especially the time that I was forced to drink an alcohol beverage without asking. This is my YouTube clip. Now this is 2012, whenever I go to a 21+ event, or Boston at All Asia Bar, I must refrain from buying and drinking alcohol during Reni's parties at all times. Luckily, the Bloody Mary was not life threatening as I didn't had any side effect differently from the tequila effect. Wines must also be ignored, as in Domaine Wine Bar where Misa Ogasawara host her shows. Even if Wine has a little alcohol, it can still kill you or lower your brain cells.

Which is why ROM-Hackers like myself don't do drugs. I'm going to create a Facebook group page soon called the Non-Alcoholic Drinking Place Society (NADPS). Meaning that we can discuss supporting the music artists without buying, drinking alcohol and public drunkeness.

Singing Karaoke in a contest is discontinued since November 2011 due to ROM-Hacking.

At all times, Reni must not use me as a ninja tool or I will discontinue supporting her. Currently, I am not her #1 fan anymore. After the 15th of January, I will no longer one of Reni's Angels. But I still hang with friends and go to Reni's shows occasionally. The important thing is to have fun and make new friends. Except NOT with females under 18.

The reason that I don't want to be Reni's Tenshis (Angels) is that I have a handful on Japanese female artists, dancers and singers. Most likely to be Lulla Miyuki as my current #1 fan than Reni Mimura. Reni is my #9 fan. And here is my top ten ranking place.

1. Lulla Miyuki

2. Yuka Kameda

3. Chieli Kajiwara

4. Fuyuko Myu Nakamura

5. Yuko Ikeshita

6. Saori Kato

7. Kashimi Asai

8. Nahoko Sugiyama

9. Reni Mimura

10. Mika Mimura

These are the people that I most likely chase after during the 2011 year. And I will continue to do the same for the 2012 year. And even to meet some new and meet the old but rare ones you haven't met in a while. Last Sunday at Symphony Space, I did try Mika Yanagihara but failed to find her.

Ballet Arts (New York City at City Center Midtown Manhattan)

I go to Ballet Arts whenever I want to meet new Japanese female dancers or existing ones like Chieli Kajiwara in that roster. This is my event planning for next Sunday.

It's good to open up a new friend to add into your list of your favorite Japanese female artists, singers, and dancers.