First 2012 events

Post date: Jan 18, 2012 9:29:50 PM

Ron-Chan haven't touched an alcohol drink since November 5, 2011. Excessive drinking is dangerous and may kill you!

Hello guys! As you know that I'm currently testing Frank's 2nd SMB3 Hack for Super Mario All-Stars. So far 4 bugs are found and corrected them. We are still in the testing zone until approved. That does mean that I'll fix the critical parts of the game such as ExGFX, Spade Bonus loop in World 3 or over world music plays in pipe levels which needs to be more advanced. Releases expected to be in Mid-February or when ready. I will include a + Super Mario World cartridge with it. For SMC (Super Mario Collection) players, it is not available in Japanese.

After the holiday season, I have gotten myself a copy of the game for the Nintendo DS. It's called, Hana Yori Dango Koi Seyo Otome and it's a dating game where you control a female related character to choose a top boyfriend. F4 and many others based from the Hana Yori Dango Manga. For me, I like Akira because he has a smart personality.

Last Saturday, I went to DROM for Mika Yoshida. It's my first visit to meet her. Since I have others in my Facebook list including Mika Mimura, I decided to give Mika Yoshida a try. In both events, she played a concert with Richard. I may return to DROM for Banda Magda concert February 17th. Keep in mind that minor Banda Magda concerts played on a weekly basis.

Then on Sunday is Reni's Maid Show. I was hoping to come there and not waste my time. But it's not a complete waste. Many new people has come on stage.


I also had Sprite when I order my food. I've been seeing some alcohol in the tables. They must've it from the menu that is not included in the moe's menu but from the bar itself. Unlike the Boston menu. All alcohol drinks must be avoided at all times.

I was called on stage for my achievements and told people that I owned the game. Of course, one of the dancers is also a huge fan of the HanaDan series. In case anyone haven't noticed, the cover is empty with no cartridge and is left in my red DSi which is at home. Nice try who wants to steal it from me LOL!

I'm expecting to meet Reni Mimura again in Boston for the month of March along with Mae, Chika-Nyan and others including butlers. Of course, I have 4 stamps so I must come to the February show to get my final stamp. I rather enter the Boston Maid Show for free except I still must get the $5 charlie ticket for the subway station.