Monk Info


by Viking Lord Uglymouth 930727

Monksoul contains the following abilities:

1 - fix

2 - vitals

3 - runaway

4 - meditate

5 - check

6 - perception

7 - monk line

8 - mt (monk tell)

9 - silence

10 - pentagram

11 - cure

12 - discharge

13 - aikido

14 - charm

15 - feet

16 - choke

17 - smash

18 - death


- I have found some situations in which one formula overrules another

formula, or where one formula seems to be used where in fact another

one is actually used! As much as possible I have written down here

the formulas as they really work and put notes where things might

have become a bit unclear. Uglymouth. -

Some abilities can only be done if three conditions are met. The

conditions are:

* intoxination level < str*3 / 2 + 20,

* not wearing armour that hinders the ability (see CHECK),

* this heart_beat not being busy with another ability that

interferes with this one.

The abilities that are dependent of those conditions are marked with

a '(+)' after its name.

Here follow the details of each ability:


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Monks have an improved natural_ac and natural_wc, which

allows them attack without weapon and still do good

damage. This command sets n_ac and n_wc to monk values.

formulas: Natural_wc = dex/2 + 3

OR: n_wc = 25 if dex == 40

Natural_ac = dex/6 + 3, OR:

Natural_ac = dex/6 + 3 + wis/4 if concentrated on aikido.

[Note: there is a thrid possible formula, that does work in aikido

(see AIKIDO), but not in fix: natural_ac = dex/6 + 3 + wis/4 + dex/10

if concentrated on aikido and dex > 34. Uglymouth.]

I wanted to include the formulas for normal natural_ac and natural_wc

values, but they are nowhere to be found. Thus I took the empirical way:

most players have both with a value 0. But I have seen some with higher

values, up to 8 (mostly for natural_ac).


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Gives a detailed list of the player's status. In this

list are given:

* current feetcondition and max feetcondition (see FEET)


* xp needed for next level (number),

* power (a stat, defined as (wis * dex)/6 ) (number),

* money carried (number),

* physical health status (descriptive, as in prompt),

* mental heatlh status (descriptive, as in prompt),

* intoxination level (descriptive),

* if player is concentrated on aikido or not.

[Note: The descriptions given at intox info are mostly dependent on

the level of the player. They have nothing to do with the maximum

intoxination level allowed for certain abilities. Uglymouth.]


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Teleport to guildhall. Player drops all items first.


availabe for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Faster regeneration of hp and sp. The player can take

no physical action while meditating. Whispering and

checking stats is possible.


Heal = 2 + int/3 points per call_out, OR:

Heal = 2 + con/3 points per call_out, if int > con.

For comparison, normal healing goes at the following rate:

3 hp and 3 sp every 30 seconds.


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Check if an armour hinders other guild abilities.

Monks CAN wear the armour and gain its ac, but while

wearing it, some abilities can not be used.


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Compares level, hp, ac and wc of a living with those

of the player. Results are descriptive to conceal which

stats are actually checked. Level gives some info about

how much better or worse the opponent is. The other

stats give just better, equal or worse as result.


available for: all levels

sp cost: 3 points

effect: Sends a message to all monks that listen to the guild

line (see SILENCE). Without message it gives names,

levels, genders, races of all guildmembers logged in,

and also if they listen to your level of the guild line.

MT (monk tell) (+)

available for: all levels

sp cost: 2 points

effect: Exept for the prompt MT is exactly the same as the

'tell' command.


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Shuts off all shouts and guild line messages sent by

others of your level and lower, using the earmuff hook.

Silence can be set on any level up to the players own.


available for: level 8 and up

sp cost: 60 points

effect: Draw a portable pentagram that can teleport a

non-guild member to the inner guildrooms once.

CURE (+)

available for: all levels

sp cost: 30 points

effect: Cures livings other than the player self 40 hp or up to

max_hp, if that takes less than 40 points to heal. This

costs the recipient 10 - 40 sp.

[Note: this trick should have cost the recipient a standard amount of

10 sp (it's checked if he has them). But because heal_self() and

restore_spell_points are in the wrong order, it has become 10 - 40

points -> one may end up with -30 sp. Uglymouth.]


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Transfers spell points from a living to the player.

The living can react with either attack or flight.

Discharge blocks other (+) abilities that heart_beat.


Let L[stat] = a stat of the living.

Requires: L[sp] > L[max_sp] - L[lvl * 2]

Success if: L[sp] > (( (chr * wis * L[sp]) / (8 * L[wis] * L[int])

+ chr + 4) * 3 )

Sp transferred on success = (chr * wis * L[sp]) / (8 * L[wis] * L[int])

+ chr + 4

Sp transferred on failure = L[sp] / 4

Living flees if: L[chr] <= random(chr * 2), otherwise it attacks.

[Note: It is NOT possible to calculate a relation between the amount

of sp required in the living and the chance of success/the amount

of sp transferred, because sp is independent of wis and chr. So it is

very probable that this will give impossible situations, like failure

to discharge transfers more sp than succes, or illegal values, like very

negative sp for the victim (I checked, both can occur). Uglymouth.]


available for: all levels

sp cost: 8 + wis/4

effect: Improves the natural_ac of the player for a certain time.

formulas: N_ac improves by wis/4,

OR: if dex > 34 then

N_ac improves by (wis/4 + dex/10).

The aikido lasts for 400 + (wis * 8) seconds.


available for: all levels

sp cost: 8 + int

effect: If the victim (a living) has a wielded weapon, its weapon

is unwielded and it is forced to stop fighting (if it

was fighting). However, the charm increases the victim's

natural_wc. The charm is blocked by any feet attack that

heart_beat (even if it didn't result in a block. See FEET).


The charm fails only if:

chr * 3 <= L[chr] OR if:

random( chr * 3 ) <= random( L[chr] ) OR if:

gender == L[gender] && random(100) < 40.

The victim's natural_wc is increased by

3/2 * L[wc], OR: by

3/2 * L[n_wc], whichever of the two is lower.

FEET (+)

available for: all levels

sp cost: none (0 or 2 points feet_condition)

effect: One extra attack per heart_beat. If dex < 20 there is a

chance that feet hinders other (+) abilities. Feet uses

its own stat, called feet_condition. If feet_condition

drops below 0, no more feet attacks are possible until

healed. Feet gives xp equal to the damage done. You can

use feet to start a fight as well as during a fight.


Feet blocks other (+) abilities if: random(20) > dex

(meaning that they can be done too, after the feet attack in

the SAME heart_beat (through an alias) if it does NOT block).

Feet costs 3 points feet_condition per attack, but also

heals 1 point feet_condition per heart_beat.

Max_feet_condition = con * 10.

Chances of possible results are:

2 : 11 nothing happens (it just returns 1),

4 : 11 miss target,

2 : 11 hit target for: random((wis + dex)/3 + 6) points,

2 : 11 hit target for: 2 * random((wis + dex)/3 + 6) points,

1 : 11 hit target for: 6 * random((wis + dex)/3 + 6) points.

[Note: Max_feet_condition is defined twice (in the initial reset and

in the time_guild_soul). Although it might initially be much higher,

it's corrected after the first hard_beat. Uglymouth.]


available for: all levels (only if stats are high enough)

sp cost: dex/3 + 8 points

effect: One extra attack per heart_beat. Gives xp equal to

the damage done. Choke blocks other (+) abilities. You

can use choke to start a fight, as well as during a fight.


Required: Power (== wis * dex / 6) >= 5.

Result = hit victim for: dex/3 + random(20) points.

For reasonable comparison: a player with his stats equal to his level

can do a choke attack from level 6 and up and does an average of

11 points of damage at that level.


available for: all levels (only if stats are high enough)

sp cost: 20 + int points

effect: One extra attack per heart_beat, which also HOLDs the

victim for a certain period of time. Smash can only be

performed on victims of sizes 2, 3 and 4 (not on tiny

or huge monsters). Smash blocks other (+) abilities.

Gives xp equal to the damage done. You can use smash to

start a fight, as well as during a fight.


Required: Power (== wis * dex / 6) >= 15.

Chances of success:

if level < 4 -> always fails (although one CAN do the action),

if level > 9 -> always succeeds,

otherwise succes if: level > 4 + random(6).

Result: hit victim for: dex + random(45) points,

HOLD victim for: 4 + wis/6 seconds.

For reasonable comparison: a player with his stats equal to his level

can do a smash attack from level 10 and up, doing an average of

32 points of damage at that level and HOLDing the victim for 5 seconds.


available for: all levels (only if stats are high enough)

sp cost: 30 + wis + dex points

hp cost: random(10 + con/2) points

effect: One extra attact per heart beat. Death blocks other

(+) abilities. Gives xp equal to the damage done. You

can use death to start a fight, as also while fighting.


Required: Power (== wis * dex / 6) >= 30.

Chances of success:

if level < 8 -> always fails (although one CAN do the action),

if level > 14 -> always succeeds,

otherwise success if: level > 8 + random(8).

Result: hit victim for: 60 + random((wis + dex) *3) points.

For reasonable comparison: a player with his stats equal to his level

can do a smash attack from level 14 and up, doing an average of

101 points of damage at that level.

Monks are not able to use the common missile, shock and fireball spells.


Monks guild has the following requirements for joining:

- One may not be an Orc or Troll or be of neuter gender.

- If one is a male dwarf, he has to do:

shadowquest and ratsquest.

- If one is a female dwarf, she has to do:

shadowquest and millquest.

- One must carry 250 * level coins with him, which must be paid

when joining.

Once joined, alignment is set at -400.

This guild has a small change to get 1-2 extra attacks, depending

on the dex of it's member.

if(dex + random(30 )) > random( 88) extra_attack_1; if e_a_1:

if( random(dex )) > random(100) extra_attack_2; if e_a_2:

if( random(dex * 2)) > random(200) extra_attack_3;


max_hp = 38 + con * 11.

max_sp = 38 + int * 11.


For purposes of reference, I assumed that the players used for this

table have stats equal to their level (last column: all stats 35),

and attack monsters of equal level (last column: level 35), with

stats equal to their level.

stat 35

lvl 1 lvl 10 lvl 20 lvl 29 -lvl 29

max_hp 50 148 258 357 357

max_sp 50 148 258 357 357

natural_wc 3 8 13 17 20

natural_ac 3 4 6 7 8

natural_ac (aikido) 3 6 11 14 19

chance for e_a_1 1: 4.6 1: 2.8 1: 2.0 1: 1.6 1: 1.4

chance for e_a_2 1: 917 1: 59 1: 19 1: 9.8 1: 6.9

chance for e_a_3 1:1.23e5 1: 566 1: 177 1: 59 1: 33

ok discharge:L[sp] > 24 67 115 158 187

sp dischgd L[sp]/8 + 5 14 24 33 39

avg feet damage 2 5 9 13 15

avg choke damage - 12 15 18 20

avg smash dmg/hold - 32/5 42/7 51/8 57/9

avg death damage - - 119 146 164