
From church 4e 3n 5w 3-4n, this will be your instructions. Then go to padrones

castle(from church 6w,2s,e,south till guard,buy ticket,3s,2e)

kill apprentice,w,unlock door with key,open door,s,3u,one more is dragon, either

kill him or get mage to knock the door open(He is VERY tough),open door,n,kill

all and continue to go north to treasury, get sword from there, find walking castle

and go kill pirate king, take bag from pirate king, take key from bag,2n,unlock

door with key,n,unlock door with key(must use proper keys, and must be neutral

to wield lawbringer), kill chaosdemon, take all from corpse, take sword to police

captain give chaosword to captain,done :)