Barbarians Info

Barbarian Guild Powers:

Normal combat: Get (speed / 50) + 1 blows per round.

Melee: cost 25: Do (random(10 + melee / 2)) dam to all monsters in room

each attack round. Can't wear armour or wield weapons while in melee.

Barbarian combat: cost 40: Extra attacks - up to 8 per round each doing on

average about random(15) - but the player has to keep typing

fast to get them all (or use aliases). Time and no. of

attacks dependent on combat.

Throw: throw something at a monster: damage = random(weight * (1 + combat / 20))

maximum value = random(100)

Devour: eat corpse: heals by weight, eat_food(weight) too.

All eat_food/drink_alcohol etc are multiplied by

(150 - (100 * fortitude)) / 150, Cannot wear armours with "metal" in

short/name. If wielded weapon is not club/axe etc, wc=3 & weapon_hit &

magic_hit are divided by 3.

You can only pray in your own church. If you've lost your barbarian religion

you have to get someone else to raise you from the dead (eg. ted's wand of


I'm not documenting emote-only abilities.

Cost to train a skill = old_level * 95 + old_level^2 * 5 + 400.

Max HP= con * 10 + 40 + 4 * fortitude

Max SP= int * 3 + 37

To join: Enter temple of Alit or Tamara and have alignment either > 99

or < -99 (depending on temple) and sacrifice item of value > 999, then pray.

You're now of the right religion to join. Elves & Hobbits may not join.

Guild is positioned at the end of orc valley which isn't very nice. ;)