
Need a light source...

from church go : 4w,2n,jump,move good corpse, straight north to shop

buy snow boots, wear boots, go 4s, climb mountain, kill mystic in cave,

search until trapdoor is found, go down,go n,w,s,w,n,n,e,e,n,e,n

get axe, kill spirit, get axe, clean axe, backtrack out and down mountain

go 2s,2w and search till a west path is found (once you find it don't search

any more, just go w), go 2w, dig, go down, sit on throne (you must be good

alignment) kill king, get head, go to evil side in castle now follow path to

ladder (kill 3 cats on the way), go up, go n, kill manx, go up, type knock

three times, give head to prince, kill prince