
ok first of all you must make the mighty starburst you need the five stars from the sea (saw fish, sword fish, octopus, whale, sea drake), the blue gem (from the silver dragon), and the staff from the orc shaman (the one with the orc slayer)

then 'shoot stars' and do the things llort tells you (attach gem to staff, shoot stars)

ok when you have make this go to elf city, near the larch.

they is a guard who carrys a horn, kill it, ok then you must go to the ravine they are in the far north west from the lake, search stones and get two ropes, continue west and kill snake, get light ring, wear ring continue west until go north,

tie rope to pillar, drop all (except the remaining rope), jump over pit ( or jump north i think),tie rope to pillar,s,climb south rope,get all,n,climb north rope ( ha i have forget, when you jump you must kill a golem, its a easy golem) ok now all way north, you find three golems kill it, get hammer,all north until you find rock, wield hammer, cut rock ( several times), go north until you enter the wood, you must find a room with a lake in the description i think they are at west, ok when you are in you must swim, and you find danahra.

Its a room like the baal-rog room, if a jedi can help you its the best here because they can stop the attacks, if not best if you use fangs and to leave the room you must swim ( like the enter circle of the baal-rog), danahra is VERY tough..( a thief or a ninja can kill danahra easily anyway (high level of course)) ok now you must go west, west kill bear,w,wield starburst,blow horn kill wolf.. and now return to the elf city, in the oak tree they are a bar where they is the major, give tail to major and the quest its done....