
from clearing:

( 4xw from church )

n;n;n;e;e;d;e;ne;ne;n;n;ne;ne;n;n;w;n;w;n;nw;w;4d;4n - u will see

u must go through ropebridge,w;n;u - u are at entrance of temple ...

kill harpy, get key,unlock door, enter, n;n;e;d;n;kill imp;take all

from corpse.

BTW: there are some ghouls around, but they arent very hard ...

n;kill zombie;get all;unlock door;n;n;move curtain;get all;s;sit

throne; get scepter;4 x s;d;3 x n;pull rope;search east wall (till u

find a moveable stone);move stone;crawl east - north is Baal-Rog ...

u cant runaway from BL's room (to leave type - enter circle ...)

u will appear in room 's' of him ...

so u can bring fangs and darts there ...

OK, when u killed it - get battleaxe from corpse and the statuette

u have find before (from imp)

go to temple's entrance (teleport out), enter, and e (or n;e) is a

room with 'slot' in description, put statuette in slot, e,

quench hellfire - quest done ...