Jedi Info


by Viking Lord Uglymouth 930729.

The guild_soul holds the following abilities:

1 - actions in the dark

2 - judge

3 - cure

4 - find living

5 - jedi line

6 - parry

7 - bolt

8 - lightning

9 - suggest noattack

10 - suggest fear

11 - suggest discord

12 - suggest weak

13 - suggest brainstorm

*** WARNING ***

- Jedi guild soul does NOT have a time_guild_soul() function. Although

some abilities got a delay built in lately, it's still possible to

make some dreadful deadly aliases. Uglymouth. -

Here follow the details of each ability:


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Jedis can use normal 'inventory', 'look', 'put', 'get'

and 'give' commands in dark rooms as if the player were

in daylight. 'Look' also tells if there are invisible

objects in the room, but not any details of that object.


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Gives details about livings and items. An indication of

how good the living or item is, is given, usually devided

in 8 levels (descriptive).

Details of livings are absolute (not compared to the

player's stats). The following stats are checked:

- name,

- alignment (descriptive),

- race,

- max_hp (each level = 60 points),

- shape (descriptive, as in prompt),

- ac (each level = 2 points),

- wc (each level = 3 points).

Of items, the following details are given:

- short_desc,

- type (weapon, armour, container, food, drink or other),

- ac (if armour, each level = 2 points),

- wc (if weapon, each level = 3 points),

- weight (each level = 1 point).


available for: all levels

sp cost: wounds: variable, equal to amount of healing.

poison/alcohol: 2 * poison strength + 2 * intox level/3.

hp cost: poison/alcohol: 10 (if hp > 10).

effect: Heals a certain amount of hp, or cures poison and

intoxination. Wounds can be healed in levels.

If you want to heal more wounds than is necassary to

get to max_hp, a different healing formula is used.



light wounds heals 30% of max_hp,

serious wounds heals 50% of max_hp,

critical wounds heals 90% of max_hp,

wounds heals sp - 20.

If heal asked is too high:

heal = max_hp - sp - 20.


removes all poison and halves intox level.

[Note: Weird formulas! I suppose that 'heal wounds' should heal (hp - 20)

points, instead of (SP - 20). If too high heal asked then the better

your mental condition, the worse you heal...!? Uglymouth.]

FIND living

available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Gives the long() of the room the living is in, even

if that room is dark. Tells if the living is a player.

JEDI line

available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Sends message to all guild members that are listening

to the guild line. Without message it shows the names

of all jedis logged in and if they are listening to the

guild line or not. This command toggles guild line ON/OFF.


available for: all levels

sp cost: 1 sp per 5 seconds.

effect: Gives the player an extra (invisible) armour of type

'guild'. The parry can be stopped voluntary, or whenever

spell points drop below 30. After parry is stopped, it

can not be used again within a certain period of time.


ac of the parry_armour = dex/5 + level/10 + 3

time parry can not be used = 300 - level * 5 seconds

[note: Normal sp healing = 3 points per 30 seconds, so effective cost

is 3 sp per 30 seconds. There is an integer retime = 60 + level * 5,

that does nothing. Could it have been intended for calculating maximum

duration of parrying? Uglymouth.]


available for: all levels

sp cost: 30 + level - int/5

effect: Gives a non-lethal electrical shock to a living. Can be

used to start a fight, as well as during one.

formulas: damage = 15 + level/3 + wis points, OR:

damage = (hp of target)/2, if damage > hp of target.

[Note: In rare cases this attack might be lethal, because the

reduce_hit_point(damage) and hit_player(1) (only used to start a fight)

are in the wrong order. Uglymouth.]

LIGHTNING (prepare L, free L, spread L)

available for: all levels

sp cost: variable, equal to (damage built up that round)/2

effect: Cast a lightning bolt at either one living, or all other

npcs in the same room. Can alternatively be used to

destruct corpses. Can be used to start a fight or

while fighting. It takes one second after the release

command before it really is released. When released, the

player and target must be in the same room. If the energy

level is built up too high, the lightning is released

uncontrolled. If not prepared, lightning just gives flashy

show effects.


player's level --> [ 1- 9] [10-14] [15-19] [20-24] [ 25+ ]

damage built up each round 5 7 9 12 17

+ random(8) per round

time till next round 6 4 4 2 2

max # rounds of control 3 6 6 9 9

'Free' damage (one living) = full built up damage.

'Spread' damage (all npcs) = 3 * full damage / # npcs / 2

+ random(7) points.

If uncontrolled player is hit for: full damage/10 + 5 points, and

the target is not hit.

If sp < 30:

if fighting, the one target is hit for full damage built up so far,

otherwise the lightning aborts harmlessly.

[Note: The 'free lightning' command uses reduce_hit_point and thus

should not be lethal. However, it is followed by hit_player(1) to

start a fight. This might kill the target. 'Spread lightning' uses

only hit_player(dmg). Uglymouth.]

SUGGEST <ability>

'Suggest' itself doesn't do anything but call the right ability.


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Stops fight in all livings that are attacking the player.

The power takes effect one second after the command is



success if: chr of living < chr + 10 * level.


available for: all levels

sp cost: none

effect: Makes one or all livings in the same room run_away. This

abilitiy does not affect other jedis.


success if: wisdom of living < wis + 10.


available for: all levels

sp cost: level * 3

effect: Makes all livings that are attacking the player, attack

another living in the same room.


chance of failure (per attacker) = 2 : # people in room * 3,

given there is someone else to attack. People in room includes

player and attacker.


avalable for: all levels

sp cost: 10 + level * 3 - wis if successful, or

(10 + level * 3 - wis)/3 if failed.

effect: weakens the opponent's weapon class for some time.


lowers target's wc by (level/25 * 30) %,

weak lasts for: (chr * 2 - chr of target) seconds.


available for: all levels

sp cost: 10 + level * 3 - wis

effect: Gives a very effective last blow to an already hurt



requires: hp of target < 10 % of max_hp of target

chance of success = chr %

damage = random(1000) points


Jedis are not able to use the common missle, shock and fireball spells.


Requirements for joining are:

- one may not be an dwarf, orc or troll,

- one must have an alignment < -100, or > +100.

Jedis can get a free lightsaber and cape at their guildhall. The

lightsaber gets better with level. Cape and lightsaber selfdestruct

in 30 seconds after dropping (can be picked up again within that time).


class = 5,

magic_hit = level/2 points, but requires sp level >= 20,

if the lightsaber is wielded, it gets activated automatically when

the player is attacked.


armour_class = 1,

type = 'robe' (not 'guild', because parry_armour was chosen for that).

[Note: There is an integer 'count' in the lightsaber, that probably

should have been used to drain sp or otherwise calculate the maximum

time you can use the magic_hit. It doesn't. Uglymouth]


Those are as defined in the guild/master (not modified in the guildroom):

MAX_HP = 39 + 11 * con

MAX_SP = 39 + 11 * int


Here are some example values for various abilities. For easy reference,

these numbers are calculated for a player with stats equal ti his level.

lvl 1 lvl 10 lvl 20 lvl 29

max_hp 50 149 259 358

max_sp 50 149 259 358

lightsaber magic_hit 0 5 10 14

additional ac parrying 3 6 9 10

time parry unusable 295 250 200 155 (sec)

bolt damage 16 28 41 53

avg max lightning dmg 24 60 135 180